Nurturing Growth Mindsets: Six Tips From Carol Dweck

This video is from Carol Dweck’s keynote address at EdWeek’s Leaders to Learn From event in Washington. Dweck addresses her task of correcting misconceptions about her research and its applications in schools. This Education Week article synthesizes her main points and illustrates the concern that people haven’t fully understood every dimension of Carol Dweck’s growth mindset… Read More ›

Signature Experiences: The Moments We Fall in Love With Learning

This article is about the hypothesis that signature experiences contain a vital set of insights for those who are designing “schools” and learning environments. Signature experiences motivate students to keep learning, to take initiative, and to carve out a future path for themselves in the world around them. This hypothesis has led to the question:… Read More ›

The College and Career Readiness of U.S. High School Graduates

This report, one of the annual 50-state reports on each state’s adoption of college- and career-ready (CCR) policies as reflected in state standards, graduation requirements, assessments, and accountability systems. Having the right policies is necessary to ensure that students graduate academically prepared for college and careers, but policy alone is insufficient– implementation of policy matters. So… Read More ›

The Difference Between Being Eligible for College and Ready for College

This article discusses that in addition to teaching students fractions and conjunctions, many educators are increasingly grappling with how to address social and emotional skills like collaboration and students’ sense of belonging. Educators and academics across the country have come to agree that content knowledge isn’t enough to prepare students for life after high school. Several… Read More ›

How Do We Measure Social and Emotional Learning?

This article discusses the importance of measuring the social and emotional aspects of student learning. Right now, there is no widespread, practical way for all schools to assess children’s social-emotional skills and character development (SECD). Or is there? If one looks at student report cards, one often finds on “the other side” of the academic… Read More ›

Financing Personalized Learning: What Can We Learn From First-Generation Adopters?

This paper takes the first systematic look at costs associated with implementing personalized learning schools, how leaders of these schools choose to allocate their funds, and what it might take to make personalized learning financially sustainable on public dollars. Researchers at the Center on Reinventing Public Education (CRPE), in partnership with Afton Partners, studied 16… Read More ›

Designing and Implementing a Student-Centered ELO Program (Video Tool Suite)

This Students at the Center Hub video takes a look at the complex process of implementing a successful extended learning opportunity (ELO) in a student-centered high school. Follow the students and staff at the ELO program at Highlander Charter School as they explore the logistical side of anytime/anywhere learning and discuss what it can take to get students out of the… Read More ›

Speeding up High School Reform in New England

This article discusses college readiness. While high school graduation rates are high in New England, Nellie Mae Education Foundation President & CEO, Nicholas Donohue notes that college readiness is not. In this op-ed for The Hechinger Report, Donohue asks: What does it mean to be truly ready for college? Source Organization: The Hechinger Report Visit the Resource

Deeper Learning Equity Fellows

This website provides information about the Deeper Learning Equity Fellowship leadership program. The program was founded to increase access to deeper learning opportunities for all youth, especially students of color, immigrant youth, English language learners, and youth in poverty. Cohorts of 10 education leaders are selected to participate in a 24 month-leadership program consisting of… Read More ›

Our Schools Our Future

Our Schools Our Future is a community group in Sanford, Maine with the mission to partner with parents, students and schools to amplify parent and youth voice in education so all students receive what they need to succeed. The group is working to grow public support for implementation of student-centered, proficiency-based learning in the district.… Read More ›

What is Flipped Learning

In this short presentation, a classroom teacher introduces the flipped learning approach to fellow teachers. It includes a discussion on four pillars of an effective flipped classroom and examples of the schedule of activities in this type of classroom. The presentation focuses most on intentional content, with tips on how to help students learn the… Read More ›