Teachers Know Best

This research project’s goal is to bring the perspectives of teachers to developers who are creating digital tools for the classroom. Moving from anecdotes of what digital instructional tools teachers want and need, to actual, solid data, will help us to better understand how teachers use digital technology in the classroom, and how these tools… Read More ›

5 Best Practices for Building a Competency-Based Education Program

This article explores how the business and education sectors are changing because of competency-based education. Competency-based education (CBE) continues to gain much-deserved credit and momentum in both sectors and it’s becoming increasingly clear that competencies are key to aligning education and training with actual business needs. Source Organization: Association for Talent Development  Visit the Resource

The Overwhelming Act of Assessing Writing in a CBE School

This article explores a writing workshop style that enhances a student’s writing experience and helps them to successfully go through the revision process and produce an even better piece of writing the next time around. Source Organization: Competency Works  Visit the Resource

Getting Smart Podcast | The Future of Blended Learning

This podcast looks at the future of blended learning, from the current issue of its multiple definitions to schools leading in next-generation models. There is also an episode on the importance of blended and personalized learning for educators and to the growing importance of having a guiding vision for implementation. Source Organization: Getting Smart Visit… Read More ›

Student Generated Discussion Spawns Meaningful Learning

This article explores why teachers must demonstrate to students that they can be trusted. They can grow that trust by allowing students to jump in and take control of the direction of their learning. In a classroom, the unexpected can be both scary and exhilarating, which is why there is a need to create environments… Read More ›

Digital Learning Day—Baltimore County Public Schools (Video)

This video shows digital learning in action from the Baltimore County Schools. The schools have a one-to-one initiative known as S.T.A.T. (Students & Teachers Accessing Tomorrow), which aims to provide more than 100,000 students with a personal digital learning device by 2018. The district has combined their staff, teachers, parents, faith and community partners, business leaders,… Read More ›

I’m a Teacher Who Hates Technology—So Let Me Design the Products

Ashley Lamb-Sinclair is a teacher who believes that educational technology is often just something else teachers have to juggle, rather than something they can help create in order to ease professional burdens. From her experience, the technology given to teachers to work within classrooms or to help with professional development does not connect to the… Read More ›

After Common Core, States Set Rigorous Standards

This article is about how the state standards have improved the implementation of the Common Core. Despite widespread skepticism, the campaign to implement Common Core State Standards (otherwise known as Common Core) has achieved phenomenal success in state houses across the country. Since 2011, 45 states have raised their standards for student proficiency in reading… Read More ›

How Technology Helped Deliver a Taste of Victory to a Struggling Newark School

This article is about the plan to use new instructional models to get better test results for the Quitman Street Renew School. The schools that has used Education Elements’ blended learning models to help improve test results. The journey to personalized learning at Quitman Street Renew School began during the 2013-14 school year. Because over 80 percent… Read More ›

Learner-Centered Vision Will Frame Next Generation Learning

This article is on the next 20 years of education, framed not by legislation, but by an emerging vision of learner-centered learning. Created by the rise of new tools, new schools, and new informal learning opportunities, a new vision for authentic, engaged, and personalized learning has become widely shared. Supported by nonprofit Convergence, a diverse group… Read More ›

Pittsfield Listens!

This organization brings community members together in a safe and authentic way to share ideas, get informed, discuss issues, support solutions, and help make Pittsfield, New Hampshire, a great place for everyone to live, learn, work, and play. Source Organization: Pittsfield Listens! Visit the Resource

Maine Youth Action Network

This program contributes to creating healthier and more productive schools and communities in Maine by ensuring youth are aware of, informed about, and taking action on critical issues that affect them. Main Youth Action Network (MYAN) is a program of The Opportunity Alliance. The Opportunity Alliance works with people to build better lives and stronger communities.… Read More ›