Exploring How Educators and Staff Center Students’ Identities and Cultures

Join the NYU Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools for an exciting and important conversation about identity, culture, and centering students in culturally responsive and mastery-based schools on June 17th, 3 PM EST. Researchers will introduce the Culturally Responsive Mastery-based Education (CR-MBE) project and share early insights on the ways administrators,… Read More ›

Measuring and Improving Student-Centered Learning Toolkit

The Measuring and Improving Student-Centered Learning (MISCL) Toolkit is designed to help school practitioners or other stakeholders measure, understand and reflect upon the extent of student-centered learning (SCL) in high schools. It enables data collection on SCL through surveys and other measures and from a range of participants, including district and school leaders, instructional staff… Read More ›

What Will Schools Do in the Fall? Here Are 4 Possible Scenarios

This article discusses the ways in which schools might deliver instruction in the fall of 2020 after school closures. This clear article outlines four possible scenarios for instruction that include varying mixes of in-person and distance learning.  This article is a good read for educators as well as parents or members of the community interested… Read More ›

How to Foster a Positive School Climate in a Virtual World

This article discusses the importance of creating a positive school climate, especially during distance learning. The author details ways to improve culture in four main areas: physical and emotional safety, respect for diversity and equity, relationships, supportive teaching practices and sense of community. This article will be helpful to leaders of schools serving any age… Read More ›

A Plan to Safely Reopen America’s Schools and Communities

This detailed “Plan to Safely Reopen America’s Schools and Communities” was designed to help communities chart a path to safely and responsibly reopen school buildings and other institutions. It features five core pillars based on science as well as educator and healthcare expertise. The document shows how to effectively respond to the crisis, especially emphasizing… Read More ›

Relationships Check

The Relationships Check is a tool to spark self-reflection and conversation among peers and within families. During social distancing, it can be hard to maintain deep relationships with young people. However, meaningful relationships with caring adults are critical to children’s wellbeing during this time. Parents, community partners, educators, or anyone working with youth, can take… Read More ›

The Power of Protocols for Equity

In this article, Zaretta Hammond, an expert on equity and building more culturally responsive classrooms, discusses the importance of deep student-led discussions and how to have them. She outlines how to use structured protocols to encourage equitable participation and create more culturally responsive discussions. Her guidance can help teachers in any subject improve student discussions… Read More ›

Fostering a Strong Community in a Virtual Classroom

This article focuses on the importance of building a sense of community during online learning. The author offers practical tips to help students feel comfortable and safe participating in synchronous and asynchronous online learning. The author suggests a process of planning, establishing group norms, and scaffolding students as they learn how to interact online in… Read More ›

Practical Tips for Teaching Online Small-Group Discussions

This practical article suggests ways to facilitate deep discussions amongst peers during online learning. The author details three strategies that can be used during break out sessions held through zoom or other similar platforms. In particular, she discusses the use of real-time note-taking that allows teachers to peek into discussions as they are happening, the… Read More ›

7 Strategies Designed to Increase Student Engagement in Synchronous Online Discussions Using Video Conferencing

This article offers advice to teachers to help increase engagement in online discussions. The author, Catlin Tucker is an educator, author, and blended learning coach; she suggests seven easy actions teachers can take to improve synchronous online discussions. These range from helping students prepare by distributing agendas and expectations for behavior in advance to using… Read More ›

Rural Community Resource Hub

This website features news and resources related to the Coronavirus outbreak that is of particular importance to rural communities. The site is a collaborative effort informed by rural school administrators and leaders across the country and organized in partnership between Mara Tieken, Associate Professor of Education at Bates College and author of Why Rural Schools… Read More ›