Center on Reinventing Public Education

This organization is a research and policy analysis center at the University of Washington developing system-wide solutions for K–12 public education. The Center on Reinventing Public Education’s research and policy analysis is focused on the complex systemic challenges affecting public education. CRPE develops, tests, and supports evidence-based solutions to create new possibilities for the parents,… Read More ›

Reach Higher Initiative

This initiative is the former First Lady Michelle Obama’s effort to inspire every student in America to take charge of their future by completing their education past high school, whether at a professional training program, a community college, or a four-year college or university. The Reach Higher initiative will help make sure all students understand… Read More ›


This organization helps educators implement standards-based grading in every classroom through innovative assessment and feedback. JumpRope provides the web-based platform that great teachers and schools need to engage students with active pedagogy, purposeful planning, and authentic learning experiences. With the tools to make standards-based grading easy, teachers are freed to create, propel, and inspire, and students… Read More ›

Smarter Schools Project

The organization was launched to highlight the exciting ways that schools and families are using technology to meet their needs. In the process, the Smarter Schools Project hopes to spark a conversation among parents, educators, and innovators about their hopes, concerns, and goals for technology in education. Source Organization: Smarter Schools Project View the Resource

Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching

This organization is committed to developing networks of ideas, individuals, and institutions to advance teaching and learning. The Carnegie Foundation joins together scholars, practitioners, and designers in new ways to solve problems of educational practice. They work to integrate the discipline of improvement science into education with the goal of building the field’s capacity to… Read More ›

Games And Learning (Dot Org)

This organization is a news and information service aimed at increasing the amount of information available for those interested in developing and funding new educational games for children and young adults. The site is operated by the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop and is a project of the Games and Learning Publishing Council.… Read More ›

Future Ready Schools

This organization is a comprehensive effort to maximize digital learning opportunities and help school districts move quickly toward preparing students for success in college, a career, and citizenship. Future Ready activities and resources offer districts the information they need to plan, implement, and connect with like-minded district leaders. Future Ready materials help ensure that local technology… Read More ›

Diploma Plus

This organization believes in personalized learning as a systematic strategy to creating equitable education conditions, access, and outcomes that enable underserved youth to complete high school college- and career-ready. In addition to an overview of the organization, this website features an introduction to the Diploma Plus model, which features four essentials for success: Performance-Based Systems, Supportive… Read More ›

Learn About BDEA From Our Students

This video takes a look at Boston Day and Evening Academy through the eyes of its students and teachers. Boston Day and Evening Academy was designed to serve students that are over age, have previously dropped out, or have not experienced success at other schools. The school is open 12 hours a day and over… Read More ›

BPS Family Learning Guides

These guides provide detailed descriptions of what children should know and be able to do by the end of the school year in English language arts, social studies, science, and math. They also include subject-specific activities to extend learning at home.There is a specific guide for kindergarten through grade eight, and all are available for… Read More ›

What is Competency-Based Education?

This one-page overview of “competency-based education” explains the differences between this and a more traditional approach to student assessment and progression. This overview describes the competency-based learning system at Boston Day and Evening Academy in which students are placed on a learning path, rather than a grade level, based on their demonstrated skills. Students take… Read More ›