Parents and Youth for Change

Parents and Youth for Change (PYC) helps everyday people make real change in education together, building the collective power of students and parents to improve opportunities for youth by organizing themselves to research an issue and push forward solutions. PYC provides the structure and support for untapped wisdom, leadership, and capacity in the community. It… Read More ›

Maine Youth Action Network

This program contributes to creating healthier and more productive schools and communities in Maine by ensuring youth are aware of, informed about, and taking action on critical issues that affect them. Main Youth Action Network (MYAN) is a program of The Opportunity Alliance. The Opportunity Alliance works with people to build better lives and stronger communities.… Read More ›

How Da Vinci Schools Built an Instructional Model Around “Failure”

This article describes how the Da Vinci schools are giving their students the right to fail. Giving students the freedom—and fearlessness—to fail first requires them to take ownership of their own learning, and Da Vinci achieves that with a curriculum centered around project-based learning, or PBL. Source Organization: EdSurge Visit the Resource

Innovating Pedagogy 2015

This is the fourth in a series of yearly reports explores new forms of teaching, learning, and assessment for an interactive world, to guide teachers and policy makers in productive innovation. This fourth report, produced in collaboration with SRI International, proposes 10 innovations that are already in currency but have not yet had a profound influence on… Read More ›

5 Ways to Build Student Agency in the Digital Age

This article explores the idea that youth today may feel external social forces are controlling their lives much more than their own internal compasses. Taking this into consideration, the article shares tips on how young people can develop their own sense of agency in the digital age. Source Organization: Getting Smart Visit the Resource

Four Myths About Learning Styles Debunked

This article debunks four myths about learning styles and includes suggestions for how multiple learning styles can be accepted and celebrated. The language around learning styles and multiple intelligences has diversified instructional styles in a great way, however, it has also brought about some misconceptions. A few examples of the myths addressed by the article are… Read More ›

Future Ready Schools

This organization is a comprehensive effort to maximize digital learning opportunities and help school districts move quickly toward preparing students for success in college, a career, and citizenship. Future Ready activities and resources offer districts the information they need to plan, implement, and connect with like-minded district leaders. Future Ready materials help ensure that local technology… Read More ›

Diploma Plus

This organization believes in personalized learning as a systematic strategy to creating equitable education conditions, access, and outcomes that enable underserved youth to complete high school college- and career-ready. In addition to an overview of the organization, this website features an introduction to the Diploma Plus model, which features four essentials for success: Performance-Based Systems, Supportive… Read More ›

Learn About BDEA From Our Students

This video takes a look at Boston Day and Evening Academy through the eyes of its students and teachers. Boston Day and Evening Academy was designed to serve students that are over age, have previously dropped out, or have not experienced success at other schools. The school is open 12 hours a day and over… Read More ›

BPS Family Learning Guides

These guides provide detailed descriptions of what children should know and be able to do by the end of the school year in English language arts, social studies, science, and math. They also include subject-specific activities to extend learning at home.There is a specific guide for kindergarten through grade eight, and all are available for… Read More ›