Promise and Peril: Examining the Role of Ed Tech for Students With Disabilities

This report released by the National Center for Learning Disabilities poses the essential questions that must be asked when approaching ed-tech investments. The resource highlights both the challenges and opportunities presented by school closures and a shift to remote or hybrid learning models in response to COVID-19. It calls for action to ensure education technology… Read More ›

Building Racial Justice and Equity

Bringing together many of ASCD's resources on building racial equity in education in one place, ASCD has made these tools available for free.

This webpage brings together many of ASCD‘s resources on building racial equity in education in one place. These include issues of ASCDExpress, Educational Leadership, and webinars. ASCD has made all these articles and tools available for free without a membership. There are many relevant resources here for teachers and education leaders of any grade level.… Read More ›

How Educators Are Showing Up for Black Students Following Protests

Ways educators are discussing the Black Lives Matter protests against police brutality with students during remote learning.

This in-depth article from Education Week’s Teacher blog looks at ways educators are discussing the protests against police brutality with students during remote learning. It includes many examples and insights from teachers who are having these tough conversations with students remotely. Teachers of any subject and grade can also get more ideas from the list… Read More ›

6 Ways District Leaders Can Build Racial Equity

Education Week staff asked six district leaders to share specific practices and processes they use in their school systems to promote equity.

In this article, Education Week staff asked six district leaders to share specific practices and processes they use in their school systems to promote equity. Suggestions ranged from getting community involvement to rethinking resources and staffing. All the suggestions require deep reflection on district and school practices and assumptions. This article offers advice for district… Read More ›

Students Are Demanding Anti-Racist Curriculum and Instruction

Students across the country are demanding their districts embrace more culturally diverse and explicitly anti-racist curriculum.

This article from Education Week’s Teacher blog discusses the important involvement of youth in recent social-justice demonstrations, petitions and demands. The article outlines the demands made by students in several different parts of the country for their respective school districts to embrace, including demands such as more culturally diverse and explicitly antiracist curriculum. Educators will… Read More ›

Supporting Students to be Independent Learners: State and District Actions

This report features actionable insights to help state policymakers encourage culturally and linguistically responsive education during the COVID-19 pandemic. The report asserts that culturally and linguistically responsive education helps students build a sense of connection to school and become independent learners. The skills that are hallmarks of independent learners – confidence, competence, and interpersonal skills… Read More ›

Why There’s A Push To Get Police Out Of Schools


This article and accompanying podcast from MindShift explores the rationale for decreasing police in schools. This has long been a goal of the black lives matter. This article explains the call for decreasing police presence in schools. It suggests several student-centered alternatives to increase student safety including restorative justice programs, positive behavioral interventions and supports… Read More ›

15 Classroom Resources for Discussing Racism, Policing and Protest

This blog article offers many useful resources to help teachers talk to students about racism and current events. This article discusses the importance of tackling tough conversations about race, racism, and the related protests with students; even when these must occur virtually. It includes a lengthy list of resources that teachers can use right away.… Read More ›

Educators Tackle Tough Conversations about Race and Violence – This Time Virtually

This article discusses the importance of discussing current events with students. It presents examples of the many different ways that educators around the country are tackling tough conversations with their students about current events and systemic racism while students are participating in remote learning. Source Organization: Chalk Beat Visit the Resource

Racial Equity Tools

Racial Equity Tools is designed to support individuals and groups working to achieve racial equity. This site offers tools, research, tips, curricula and ideas for people who want to increase their own understanding and to help those working toward justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities and the culture at large. The resources… Read More ›

Disrupting Inequity: Having Brave Conversations About Bias

This toolkit was designed to help school communities have facilitated conversations about race, bias and prejudice. It features three 90-120 minute facilitated sessions. Sessions are centered around a reading or video with follow-up conversation. Sessions include: Understanding Bias Historical Perspective About Race in America How Does Bias Manifest in Our School? The kit includes a… Read More ›