Rural Community Resource Hub

This website features news and resources related to the Coronavirus outbreak that is of particular importance to rural communities. The site is a collaborative effort informed by rural school administrators and leaders across the country and organized in partnership between Mara Tieken, Associate Professor of Education at Bates College and author of Why Rural Schools… Read More ›

Not a Normal Convening but What’s Normal Anyway?

The Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative hosted its bi-annual grantee convening May 7-8. Our original plans were to meet in Philadelphia and visit with student activists and educators, but like so many of us are doing these days, we shifted everything to virtual. We met on screens rather than in rooms. We connected over Wi-Fi rather… Read More ›

Educating All Learners Resource Database

This database was created to help schools ensure the continuity of special education services during remote instruction and to spotlight best practices for schools and educators. The site was created by an alliance of national education organizations committed to the success of students with disabilities. The database includes lists of tools, tricks and resources for… Read More ›

Supporting LGBTQ+ Students During and After School Closures

During school closures, some LGBTQ+ students may be even more vulnerable. In this article, Kimm Topping, an educator and consultant for the Safe Schools Program in Massachusetts, offers practical suggestions to support LGBTQ+ students at home. It also explores how to continue this support once schools reopen. This article offers advice that will be relevant… Read More ›

10 Questions for Equity Advocates to Ask About Distance Learning

This report from Digital Promise and Education Trust explores the biggest equity challenges that districts face from school closures due to COVID-19. The report outlines each of 10 challenges and offers suggestions to address them. The report discusses challenges related to continued online learning that may occur through the summer and into the next school… Read More ›

“It’s Our Right…”: The Opportunities Gained by Helping Students of Color Practice Resisting Racism

In this article, two authors discuss lessons they learned about supporting student activism during research for their book, Schooling for Critical Consciousness: Engaging Black and Latinx Youth in Analyzing, Navigating, and Challenging Racial Injustice. They share examples that illustrate the importance of supporting actions taken by students to protest rather than simply teaching about systemic… Read More ›

Ensuring Student-Centered Opportunities for All Students

I trust it is the hope of every principal that the educational debt Ladson-Billings refers to is resolved at the end of each academic year and that all students have achieved equitable learning outcomes. But as we know, academic outcomes are not enough. Schools are expected to educate the whole child too, as evident in… Read More ›

New Strategies in Special Education as Kids Learn From Home

This article offers advice for teachers and schools providing special education services remotely. The author provides specific ideas for helping families recreate some of the supports children receive at school, such as a sense of structure or ways to participate in sensory and gross motor activities. In general, the article discusses a shift in the… Read More ›

The 3 Biggest Remote Teaching Concerns We Need to Solve Now

This article looks at three issues that have grown from the shift to remote learning in response to school closures due to COVID-19. In particular, it examines concerns over student privacy, accessibility of education technology materials for all students and equitable access to online learning technology and internet connection. This is a thoughtful piece for… Read More ›