Four Myths About Learning Styles Debunked

This article debunks four myths about learning styles and includes suggestions for how multiple learning styles can be accepted and celebrated. The language around learning styles and multiple intelligences has diversified instructional styles in a great way, however, it has also brought about some misconceptions. A few examples of the myths addressed by the article are… Read More ›

Reach Higher Initiative

This initiative is the former First Lady Michelle Obama’s effort to inspire every student in America to take charge of their future by completing their education past high school, whether at a professional training program, a community college, or a four-year college or university. The Reach Higher initiative will help make sure all students understand… Read More ›

Learn About BDEA From Our Students

This video takes a look at Boston Day and Evening Academy through the eyes of its students and teachers. Boston Day and Evening Academy was designed to serve students that are over age, have previously dropped out, or have not experienced success at other schools. The school is open 12 hours a day and over… Read More ›

BPS Family Learning Guides

These guides provide detailed descriptions of what children should know and be able to do by the end of the school year in English language arts, social studies, science, and math. They also include subject-specific activities to extend learning at home.There is a specific guide for kindergarten through grade eight, and all are available for… Read More ›

What is Competency-Based Education?

This one-page overview of “competency-based education” explains the differences between this and a more traditional approach to student assessment and progression. This overview describes the competency-based learning system at Boston Day and Evening Academy in which students are placed on a learning path, rather than a grade level, based on their demonstrated skills. Students take… Read More ›

National Equity Project

This organization strives to improve the educational experiences and outcomes for students who have historically been underserved, by helping educators, administrators, and community leaders build the culture, conditions, and competencies needed to increase equity and excellence across schools and districts. Founded in 1995, the organization has partnered with schools, districts, and community organizations in 10 states.… Read More ›

The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop

This organization, the Joan Ganz Cooney Center, an independent research lab, addresses the challenges of educating children in the face of the changing media landscape. The center’s mission is to conduct original research on emerging education technologies and collaborate with educators and media producers to put this research into action. Program initiatives fall into 3… Read More ›

Education Commission of the States

This organization was created in 1965 for state policy makers to share education research and expertise with each other. Today Education Commission of the States (ECS) provides state policy makers advice and consultation on policy plans and proposed legislation, testimony at legislative hearings, policy research on any education topic, and connections to state leaders grappling… Read More ›

Our Path to Personalized Learning

This video, produced by Achieve Hartford!, on Our Piece of the Pie (O.P.P.)’s Path Academy in Windam, Connecticut gives the community an inside view of blended learning in action. Source Organization: Achieve Hartford!  

Partnership for Student Success: Providing Youth with Quality Programs Through the FY2013 Quality Enhancements in After School and Out of School Grant

This report documents the After School and Out of School Time (ASOST) Quality Enhancement Grant (line item 7061-9611) that provides high-quality expanded learning opportunities (ELOs) before school, after school, and during the summer months to students across the state of Massachusetts. Through this grant, public school districts, non-public schools, or community based organizations (CBOs) with… Read More ›

The Afterschool and Out-of-School Time Coordinating Council: A Report to the Governor, House and Senate Comittee on Ways and Means, and Joint Committee on Education

This report details the need for more coordination of state and federal funding streams and the implementation of comprehensive policies to support the gains that have been made in ASOST programming in Massachusetts. In particular, the report details the strategies laid out by the working groups established by the Coordinating Council. Established in 2012, the… Read More ›

Continued Progress: Promising Evidence on Personalized Learning

This report examines achievement in 62 public charter and district schools that are pursuing a variety of personalized learning practices, and examines implementation details in 32 of those schools. Researchers obtained achievement data for personalized learning students and a matched comparison group of students attending other schools serving similar populations. They also collected and analyzed… Read More ›