Introducing the Fuse Architect Schools – Central High School

  Central High School (Central) is the second school from the Providence Public School District selected for the Fuse Architect program. Central High School is actively working to become a more student-centered and student-directed school. Central’s Fuse Architect design team believes that “anytime, anywhere learning” is an important part of building an educational model that… Read More ›

Virtual Viewpoints Podcast: Emily Zilly and Students, Rogers High School

This episode is the fifth in our series documenting the Fuse Architect Project, a collaboration between the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, the Highlander Institute, and several other Rhode Island-based stakeholders endeavoring to design and pilot systems that promote student centered learning. In this episode, we’re excited to talk with Emily Zilly, science teacher at Rodgers… Read More ›

State Approaches to Competency-Based Education to Support College and Career Readiness for All Students

This brief provides an overview of competency-based education (CBE). Free from the restraints of a one-size-fits-all approach, CBE provides strategies to set college and career readiness expectations for all students while creating personalized education opportunities. Using many state policy examples, this brief looks at specific ways states are using CBE to support college and career readiness… Read More ›

Students at the Center Research Series

Students at the Center began with a series of nine research papers, developed in partnership between Jobs for the Future and the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, drawing attention to the importance of engaging each student in acquiring the skills, knowledge and expertise needed for success in college and a career. In fall 2013, Students at… Read More ›

Virtual Viewpoints Podcast: Paula Dillon, Barrington Public Schools

This episode is the third in our series documenting the Integrated Learning Systems project, a collaboration between the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, the Highlander Institute, and several other Rhode Island-based stakeholders endeavoring to design and pilot systems that promote student centered learning. In this episode, we’re talking with Paula Dillon, the Assistant Superintendent of Barrington… Read More ›

Getting Started in Education Organizing: Resources and Strategies

This guide provides strategies and resources to support community organizing for education reform. It is designed for community organizations that have some previous experience with organizing and want to tackle disparities in the education system. The guide outlines how organizing for education reform differs from other organizing efforts. It explores how to build a base… Read More ›

Integrated Learning Systems Grant Initiative Webinar Series: Episode One

In the introductory episode of the Integrated Learning Systems Grant Initiative Webinar series, Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute, Highlander Institute, and the Nellie Mae Education Foundation discuss the details of the Integrated Learning Systems grant initiative which is focused on designing student-centered learning environments across Rhode Island.

Integrated Learning Systems to Support Student-Centered Learning

  At the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, we’re committed to creating more equitable and effective education systems — so that all New England students are ready for college and career. In our research, we’ve found that among New England high school students, roughly only half are ready for post-secondary education — meaning they can enter a… Read More ›

International Association for K-12 Online Learning (Aurora Institute)

This organization works to improve student access to personalized, mastery-based educational opportunities through quality online, blended, and competency learning programs. This membership organization advocates for relevant policies and educates policy-makers; develops national quality standard, supports development and implementation of new learning models; and builds communities of practice. The site includes many resources for school and… Read More ›

Keeping Pace with K-12 Digital Learning: An Annual Reivew of Policy and Practice (2014)

This report documents the state of digital learning across the country. First the authors report on the types and prevalence of digital learning programs across the nation, including statewide fully online schools, state virtual schools offering supplemental courses, course-choice programs offering supplemental courses from a variety of providers, schools that blend online with more traditional… Read More ›