For Students, Lived Experience = Expertise


As I watched the youth researchers deliver their project presentations during the conclusion of the YARI Project held in December 2020, I beamed with excitement, awe, inspiration and pride. After a formidably challenging year, to say the least, the youth researchers forged ahead and persisted to successfully complete their research projects. The final event did… Read More ›

Work-Based Learning: A Systemic Approach

This video, and the accompanying article, introduce the work-based learning taking place in the East Side Union High School District in San Jose, CA. Over the past five years, this district has implemented Linked Learning Pathways that combine rigorous academics with engaging technical and career-based education. The video provides a real-world look at the work-based learning students… Read More ›

Culturally Responsive Mastery-Based Education Research Project

diverse group of students

The Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools at New York University (NYU Metro) and the Mastery Collaborative are conducting the Culturally Responsive Mastery-Based Education Research Project (CR-MBE) to understand how culturally responsive mastery-based practices influence historically marginalized students’ learning capacities, school engagement and academic outcomes. Learning capacities refer to mindsets,… Read More ›

Agriculture Students Harness Innovation

This article looks at the reworking of one district’s agricultural program to incorporate more 21st century skills. Across the country instruction in many agricultural classes now emphasizes inquiry, project-based learning, and technology. Students are exposed to the fields of data science, genetics, biotechnology, robotics, veterinary science, and food science to prepare for careers of the… Read More ›

Individualized Learning Plans for College and Career Readiness

This report from National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC), in partnership with Hobsons, examines how states and schools are using Individual Learning Plans (ILPs). ILPs developed by students in collaboration with educators to support their academic and career futures through goal setting and tracking, are being used in schools around the country. The research summarized… Read More ›

Getting Real About Career Readiness: A Focus on Cross-Sector Competencies

This Paper shares learnings from the Global Learning Network 2017 Convening of World-Leading Learners, hosted by America Achieves, in partnership with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Leaders from 30 countries reflected on the changing nature of the economy and job sectors and the impact on education in the 21st century. This paper… Read More ›

10 Equity Questions to Ask about Career and Technical Education

Career and technical education (CTE) has become the “next best thing” in high school reform. Lately, it’s been on the radar of governors, legislators, education commissioners, and business leaders who want to improve the match between what high school graduates know and the skills employers need. Expanding CTE can help them build the talent required… Read More ›

Highlighting Deeper Learning Competencies in New Hampshire

This blog was originally posted by CompetencyWorks on March 12, 2018. It is hard to argue the importance that being a strong collaborator, an articulate communicator, a self-directed learner, and a creative problem solver has on a person’s success in today’s world. In fact, a recent analysis by Valerie Strauss from the Washington Post on… Read More ›

How one Chicago high school turned the corner using full-time internships

This article highlights the intensive internship program at Chicago Technology Academy. The school, which serves predominantly minority students from low-income families, has committed to month-long, full-time internships for all seniors as part of its turnaround efforts focused on project-based learning. The article discusses the academic and social emotional benefits to students who can build confidence,… Read More ›

Building Competencies for Careers

This report draws on information from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Information Network (O*NET) to better understand the value of deeper learning competencies in the labor market. O*NET compiles surveys of employees and occupational experts to determine key characteristics and requirements of more than 900 occupations. Using this database, researchers from the Center on Education Policy (CEP)… Read More ›

Bronx Arena High School Multimedia Monograph

This multimedia monograph features Bronx Arena High School, an innovative, competency-based school serving historically marginalized youth in New York City. The school’s mission is to empower over-age under-credited students to graduate ready for college or a career. The multimedia monograph is an interactive case study that features video interviews with students and staff.  It brings… Read More ›