How Can We Abolish the Phrase “I’m Just Not a Math Person”?

This blog was originally posted on June 13, 2017 in Education Week’s Learning Deeply Blog Four teachers gather around a laptop to watch videos of their students working in groups to solve math problems. Using a protocol to guide their discussion, they pause the videos at opportune moments and practice providing strategic feedback. Their goal:… Read More ›

18 Digital Tools and Strategies That Support Students’ Reading and Writing

In this article, the Instructional Technology Specialist from Littleton, CO offers a wealth of education technology resources related to literacy development. In a presentation at the 2016 International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) conference she presented an array of digital reading and writing tools teachers and students in her district find helpful. In her district… Read More ›

Power Poetry

Power Poetry is a website that features poetry written by youth and provides teachers with resources to support students’ writing. The site includes thousands of student poems divided by topics. Resources for teachers include a platform to build safe online classroom groups, a free two hour online course on teaching poetry, lesson plans and classroom… Read More ›

Reading Apprenticeship

This website includes an overview of the Reading Apprenticeship approach to literacy instruction, information on the research base, and details about the professional development services offered, which include teacher institutes, coaching, and online courses. Through this approach to literacy instruction, teachers apprentice students into the ways of reading, writing, thinking, talking, and reasoning in their particular discipline. Students are… Read More ›

Getting to Know Students Deeply

This blog explores ways to use student voice as a form of data to help improve culturally responsive teaching practices. The author poses the question, “how do we know we’re culturally responsive if we’re not listening to our students?”. She details 6 ways to collect valuable information from students including: one-on-one interviews, focus groups, feedback… Read More ›

The Role of Advisory in Personalizing the Secondary Experience

This article looks at the role of advisory in personalizing learning experiences in high schools. Through development of strong adult/student relationships and self efficacy skills, advisory can help students map out their personal learning plans through high school and beyond. This article outlines 5 core elements that should be part of any advisory system as… Read More ›

Partnership Strategies for Real-World Projects

This article provides insight from an interview with leaders at Iowa BIG, a public high school in Cedar Rapids, Iowa where students learn across disciplines through community-based projects. Based on lessons learned, school leaders share tips for establishing and nurturing local partnerships with organizations, businesses, and government agencies which are critical to the success of… Read More ›

How to Plan Instruction Using the Video Game Model

In this blog entry, teacher and neurologist, Judy Willis, explores ways to apply the motivation tactics used in video games to engage students. She discusses how teachers provide students with achievable challenges that are based on individual needs and grow with their mastery of the skills and content. She explores in detail: The role of… Read More ›

Meriden Public Schools

This is the official website of the Meriden, Connecticut, public schools and the City of Meriden Board of Education. Parents, family members, students, staff, and the public can use this site as an informative online resource for information on all schools, specific departments of the BOE, and other valuable resources. Several schools within this district… Read More ›

8 Principles to Help You Advance to Flipped Learning 3.0

This short article summarizes tips for school leaders interested in flipped learning provided by pioneer Jon Bergmann at the ISTE 2017 conference. In the flipped learning model direct instruction occurs at home, often through videos or other technology, and class time is reserved for rich interactive activities that expand on the content. This article will… Read More ›

Student Voice: The Week in Review

In this podcast, students discuss important topics and current events that impact them and their education. The podcast is created and hosted by college students from Student Voice, a non-profit organization dedicated to strengthening the student movement by empowering students to take action on issues that impact their education. This inaugural episode features DACA, Hurricane Harvey,… Read More ›