3 Words to Bring Equity Into Science

This article urges science teachers to look beyond standards to develop engaging, culturally relevant curriculum. Rather than starting with the standards, the author suggests using “ethics”, “well-being”, and “community” as a lens to identify topics relevant to students’ lives. This article puts forward an approach science teachers can use individually or in teams to create… Read More ›

Introducing the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative

Jobs for the Future (JFF), in partnership with the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, announced today the launch of the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative. The Research Collaborative is a new effort to investigate and evaluate what we know about student-centered learning and leverage that knowledge to effect meaningful change at scale. The first-of-its-kind research initiative will… Read More ›

Catalyzing Mastery-Based Learning: NYC’s Mastery Collaborative

This article describes the Mastery Collaborative created by the New York City Department of Education. The Collaborative consists of 40 schools, eight of which are Living Lab schools. Living Lab schools share resources and tools with other members and are open for visitors to see what mastery-based education looks like and learn from fellow educators. The… Read More ›

What Happens to Maine Students Who Don’t Meet Proficiency Standards?

This article explores possible impacts of the new Maine state laws that require proficiency-based diplomas for graduation. It discusses the concern of some educators about students who may not be ready to demonstrate the needed proficiencies due to language barriers, behavioral issues, or because they were previously passed from grade to grade without demonstrating true… Read More ›

Three Videos About The Future of Learning You’ll Want to Watch Now

So much has changed over the past hundred years. Technology has transformed the way we communicate and do business. We’ve made significant strides in medical research, disease treatment and quality of life. Yet, our education system, the system that is meant to prepare students for jobs in these fields, has remained largely the same. At… Read More ›

Desperately Seeking: Culturally Relevant Ideas and Innovation in Education

This article discusses Startup Weekend Education in Providence (SWeduPVD), a design event hosted by the Highlander Institute in collaboration with 4.0 schools. Weekend hackathon events have become a popular way for educators, designers, and others to come together to address issues in education. Teams work together to propose a startup organization or product to address… Read More ›

Going Back to School with the 2016 EdSurge Fifty States Project

This tool, an EdSurge initiative, features articles written by educators and to showcase how they support learning by using technology. During 2016, EdSurge collected stories written by teachers, edtech coordinators, librarians, superintendents, and others from all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Articles are written for fellow educators and organized into four… Read More ›

Creating a Buzz with the New Hampshire Manufacturing Partnership

Industry-driven, work-based learning is an important element of an education system that truly prepares students for the real world and provides an “anytime, anywhere” learning experience. This blog was originally posted on the Jobs for the Future website on October 7, 2016.  This summer, Governor Maggie Hassan, Commissioner Jeffrey Rose, over 20 New Hampshire manufacturers,… Read More ›

Putting Students at the Center: Research Shows Student-Centered Approaches Result in Achievement and Engagement

This article, written by President and CEO of the Nellie Mae Education Foundation (NMEF), Nicholas C. Donohue, discusses the positive impact of student-centered learning practices on the achievement gap. He reviews several studies of school programs that show students in learner-centered classrooms outperform their peers in more traditional school settings; with the highest gains occurring… Read More ›

Blended Learning Magnifies a Teacher’s Power

In this article, Cindy Elsberry, the former superintendent of Horry County Schools in South Carolina, a high-poverty district which won national acclaim for its digital transformation, discusses the importance of blended learning. First, she outlines the six main types of blended learning models used to combine online learning with direct instruction to create a personalized… Read More ›