“Taking Student-centered Learning System-wide” (VIDEO)

JFF interviewed Dr. Amanda Datnow, UC San Diego professor, at the 2012 Students at the Center Symposium in Boston, MA, about the importance of student-centered learning and where it’s heading. The symposium gathered 150 leading practitioners, researchers, policymakers, and funders to discuss the latest research on student-centered approaches to learning. Datnow wrote Changing School District Practices with Ben… Read More ›

CHOICE Academy

CHOICE is a unique school of about 50 students in grades 7 through 12, offering core academics in a way that is very different from a traditional middle or high school. Students take math, science, language arts, and social studies here, but they earn elective credits and all their other graduation requirements outside their abbreviated… Read More ›

Making a Case for Comprehensive Assessment (Exhibition)

Example of an exhibition. project-oriented evaluations that include critiques by outside experts are among the innovations at New York City’s Urban Academy. Editor’s Note: Since this video was filmed in 2001, the Urban Academy has become a member of the New York Performance Assessment Consortium, a coalition of public schools in New York State that uses… Read More ›

How Youth Learn: Ned’s GR8 8 Video

If you’re a teenage speaker brought in to address a crowd of teachers on the subject of how you and your peers learn best . . . what are you going to say? In this funny and fast-paced “NED talk” produced by What Kids Can Do (WKCD), Ned knocks out eight powerful conditions of learning that… Read More ›

Brainy Approaches to Learning

We know that each student is unique, but what about each student’s brain? This new Students at the Center infographic draws on the research from Mind, Brain, and Education to depict the brain science behind student-centered approaches to learning.     Access the Resource →