Place-Based Education: Communities as Learning Environments

This was originally posted on Getting Smart on May 9, 2016 as part of their Place-Based Education blog series. As the emergence of personalized learning, project-based learning and deeper learning approaches, the time is right to connect learning to communities in authentic and meaningful ways. This place-based education approach can serve as a framework to connect learning… Read More ›
Cracking the Code: Giving More Students Access to Computer Science

This post was originally published on American Youth Policy, July 11, 2016 Long, long ago, on a continent far, far away, I was determined to take a course in Computer Science. As I was an Arts Department major at my university in Cape Town, South Africa, I had to apply for special permission to venture into… Read More ›
Career And Technical Education: Boom Or Bust?
This article discusses the history of Career and Technical Education (CTE) and the current debates around it through an interview with Anthony Carnevale, Director of the Center on Education and the Workforce at Georgetown University. The interview explores the history of vocational and CTE in high schools as well as changes in the current economy and the… Read More ›
Connecting Ed and Tech: Partnering to Drive Student Outcomes
This case study describes the solution one charter school found to help scale up their personalized learning model through a unique partnership. Leadership Public Schools (LPS), a charter school management organization that operates high schools in the San Francisco Bay Area, has developed their own technology to support personalized learning which provided students with individual… Read More ›
National Online Learning Day
National Online Learning Day showcases how students of all ages are thriving with the ability to learn online—anywhere, anytime. It seeks to cultivate awareness of, and support for, this ever-growing community of learners and to celebrate the future of online education—wherever technology and our imaginations take us! Join the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag… Read More ›
Why Student Voices Matter
Originally posted on on August 11, 2016 Here’s why I attended this year’s Education Writers Association National Seminar: As a high school student, I wanted to gain a new perspective on public schools and what is being done to improve them. And as an aspiring journalist, I was hoping to learn more about news coverage… Read More ›
Why is Student Voice Important in Education? (Video)
This short video produced by the Nellie Mae Education Foundation discusses the importance of including student voice in all aspects of the education they are consuming. In this dynamic video students, teachers, and administrators share their views on making education more personal, relevant, and engaging. For the general public this video is an excellent promotion for… Read More ›
The Importance of High-School Mentors
This article stresses the importance of role models. When it comes to helping young people succeed, education experts and nonprofits are embracing the idea that a broad web of formal and informal role models is key. This video from The Atlantic documents the power that mentors can have at a defining juncture in the lives of… Read More ›
Hacking, Innovating, and Failing Well—How Tech Sector Principles Can Revolutionize Education Workplaces
This opinion piece by Barnett Berry, founder and CEO of the Center for Teaching Quality, uses Google’s principles of innovation to examine three key ways the technology sector can help schools maximize teacher expertise. He asserts that technology can transform teaching and learning, not through typical approaches, such as apps for students; but with revolutionary organizational designs that… Read More ›
What is Flipped Learning: Flipped Learning Definition
This two page overview developed by the Flipped Learning Network gives an excellent definition of flipped learning, suitable for introducing the concept to any audience. It lays out the components of successful flexible learning, detailing each of the four pillars: creating a flexible learning environment, shifting to a student-centered learning culture, providing intentional content to… Read More ›
The New Opportunity to Lead: A Vision for Education in Massachusetts in the Next 20 Years
This report, commissioned by the Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education, is a call to revamp the education system in Massachusetts in order to lead the world in preparing students for the demands of the 21st century. The report calls for an approach that focuses less on compliance to state mandates to one that creates conditions… Read More ›
NewSchools Summit
NewSchools Summit is an annual invitation-only gathering for education innovation thought leaders who bring important and diverse perspectives in PreK-12 education. Summit provides a platform for over 1,000 entrepreneurs, educators, community leaders, funders, and policy makers to share ideas on how we can transform public schools so that they prepare all students, in every neighborhood,… Read More ›