Making Powerful Educational Choices for our Children

This article calls on parents to advocate for student-centered learning. Written by a fellow parent, it outlines the advantages of learner-centered education. It could be used as a source of inspiration for any group of parents interested in advocating for changes in the education system. Source Organization: Today Parenting Visit the Resource

3 Steps to Rethink Failure

This article focuses on the important role failure plays in the creation of future success. It outlines three steps educators can use to help students rethink their negative associations with failure and see its more positive side. The suggestions are general and could be useful to any educator or parent who wants to instill a growth… Read More ›

Quality Counts 2020

Every year, Education Week releases a Quality Counts report which examines state-level efforts to improve public education and pulls together a large number of statistics to create a picture of progress in each state. A National Summary Report and State Highlight Reports rank each state using the Chance-for-Success Index, which looks at 13 family, school,… Read More ›

Ready for Take Off: Youth Action Researchers at the Intersection (YARI)

At the YARI Kick-Off Event last week, we welcomed into the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative family ten youth researchers who are “twice exceptional” — they possess both a learning difference and face marginalization connected to race, language, sexuality, and/or income. KnowledgeWorks is leading the project with our partners from the Center for Youth and Community… Read More ›

Advancing Equity by Building Development Relationships

This story looks at the importance of building developmental relationships in which adults and youth share power, especially for students from traditionally underserved communities. Developmental relationships are are purposeful relationships built on trust, designed to help young people: Discover who they are Cultivate the abilities needed for them to shape their own lives Learn how… Read More ›

Teaching Students to Think About Thinking

The articles in this issue of ASCDExpress explore metacognition, the ability to understand ones own mental processes and to monitor and influence them. The authors provide both general suggestions for promoting metacognitive awareness and regulation, as well as specific ideas tailored to particular subject areas. Read as a whole this collection of articles offers many… Read More ›

Pittsburgh-Area Students Tackle Community Challenges in Learn and Earn Program

This article describes a summer learning program in the Pittsburg, PA area. Through the Learn and Earn Program, students conducted research projects in about 15 neighborhoods across the city. They surveyed residents on issues of importance to the community, such as factors contributing to crime rate, feelings about local businesses, and trash problems. Students had… Read More ›

Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST)

CAST is a nonprofit research and development organization that works to expand learning opportunities for all individuals, especially those with disabilities, through Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Developed by CAST, UDL is a widely recognized framework to guide the design of learning experiences to proactively meet the needs of all learners. The organization conducts research… Read More ›

Building Support for Student-Centered Learning: A Toolkit

This toolkit provides strategies, resources, and tools for those who would like to build public understanding and engagement around student-centered learning or other education reform efforts. The toolkit is organized around a theory of change that includes three elements: a compelling public story, deep dialogue and conversation, and real youth engagement. The toolkit draws on… Read More ›

Youth Participatory Action Research Hub

This site features a curriculum to empower students to begin Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR). Through YPAR young people are trained to conduct systematic research to improve their their communities and the institutions intended to serve them. The YPAR Hub, a partnership between the University of California, Berkeley and San Francisco Peer Resources, houses the… Read More ›

The National Standards for Quality Online Learning

More and more students are taking part in some type of online learning. To guide educators, families, and students, the Virtual Learning Leadership Alliance and Quality Matters have created new national standards for virtual education. This is the first revision of these standards, originally written the Aurora Institute (formerly known as iNACOL), in ten years. … Read More ›