Abolishing the phrase “I’m not a math person”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoYRk08t4DA&feature=emb_logoHigh Tech High Graduate School of Education (HTH) conducted this study as part of the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative’s initial cycle of research. The team at HTH worked alongside fellow scholars, educators, and policymakers to investigate the impact of specific student-centered practices and then translate their findings for cross-sector audiences. HTH’s final report, Abolishing the… Read More ›

Learning With Others: A Study Exploring the Relationship Between Collaboration, Personalization, and Equity

American Institutes for Research (AIR) conducted this study as part of the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative’s initial cycle of research. The team at AIR worked alongside fellow scholars, educators and policymakers to investigate the impact of specific student-centered practices and then translate their findings for cross-sector audiences. AIR’s final report, Learning with Others: A Study Exploring… Read More ›

Maximizing Student Agency: Implementation of Student-Centered Learning Approaches

https://youtu.be/r_9hgV6XcK8 American Institutes for Research (AIR) conducted this study as part of the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative’s initial cycle of research. The team at AIR worked alongside fellow scholars, educators, and policymakers to investigate the impact of specific student-centered practices and then translate their findings for cross-sector audiences. AIR’s final report, Maximizing Student Agency: Implementation of… Read More ›

Learner-Centered Professional Learning Culture

Learner-Centered Professional Learning Culture maps the transitions and transformations from “School Centered” to “Learner-Centered.” As the professional learning culture deepens. schools transition to practices that ensure every learner is equipped with the knowledge, skills and dispositions to realize their potential. With an intentional focus on educational equity—defined as: Academic achievement Positive socio-cultural and linguistic identity… Read More ›

Getting Real About Career Readiness: A Focus on Cross-Sector Competencies

This Paper shares learnings from the Global Learning Network 2017 Convening of World-Leading Learners, hosted by America Achieves, in partnership with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Leaders from 30 countries reflected on the changing nature of the economy and job sectors and the impact on education in the 21st century. This paper… Read More ›

What Do You Mean When You Say “Student Agency”?

This resource entry includes two articles in a series on the concept of “student agency” and the impact of the ways the term in understood and applied on equity. This is a thought-provoking series that will interest many stakeholders, from educators to researchers. In the first article, What Do You Mean When You Say “Student Agency”?… Read More ›

Valuing Our English Language Learners by Learning to Listen

When I lived overseas, I remember wishing desperately that people would understand that I was intelligent. I wanted to become fluent in Czech and carried my dictionary with me everywhere, looking up every word I saw. But as a human, you want to converse with nuance and ease. Without a dictionary or struggle for each… Read More ›

Arriving at a Definition of Learning

In this thoughtful article, the author, a veteran teacher, pushes the education community to define and deliver learning in a way that maximizes student agency. She defines learning as active, social, and meaningful. She encourages all stakeholders to see personalized and blended learning and differentiated instruction as interdependent components of great learning experiences that meet… Read More ›

Reading on Competency-Based Education

This article provides a great overview of key texts to help any educator or education leader better understand competency education. The author provides suggestions for stakeholders at different phases of implementation and understandings, including: Newcomers looking to understand competency education Districts moving to the commitment stage For those looking to anticipate issues and challenges Working… Read More ›

Coming Soon: New Findings from the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative

Leaders in education rarely have the bandwidth to comb through technical studies in order to apply research findings in their classroom. JFF’s Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative is cutting through the clutter to deliver useful research findings presented in actionable ways. If you’re an educator, administrator, district leader, or state-level official interested in using student-centered learning… Read More ›

Strategies for Stronger Engagement

Recent statistics indicate that over half of students are disengaged in school, and teachers spend a lot of their time and energy addressing student disengagement. Is disengagement a challenge in your classroom? How can you create more engaging classrooms where deep learning occurs? How can you develop stronger relationships with all of your students? This… Read More ›

North Dakota School District Ready to Make Bold Changes

This article discusses the shift to a competency-based model underway in the Northern Cass School District in North Dakota. The district plans to eliminate all grade levels, allowing students to build their own academic path to high school graduation. The changes are supported by state education policy allowing districts to apply for waivers from specific… Read More ›