Edutopia’s 2018 Research Highlights

This article summarizes and provides links to important research studies from 2018. The studies are organized into a number of topic areas including: Small classroom changes Learning science A new look at older studies on learning styles, growth mindset, and self-control Disparities in discipline for black boys The contribution of mistakes to learning Teacher well-being Behavior… Read More ›

Teachers Want Education Research. The Feds Spend Millions on It. So Why Can’t It Get to the Classroom?

The initial results of the Institute of Education Sciences’ listening tour on teacher priorities highlight both an urgent need for new studies—in areas like technology, student trauma, and educational equity—and better outreach on existing research. “In the field research sessions … IES representatives were not allowed to talk. They were just there to listen. And it was fascinating… Read More ›

Navigating the Future of Learning: Research Briefing

In this webinar the authors will discuss the report, Navigating the Future of Learning, from KnowledgeWorks. This report looks at the ways in which current societal shifts could shape education over the next ten years and beyond. It investigates 5 major drivers of change that may impact the education landscape for the next decade. This free… Read More ›

Navigating the Future of Learning

Navigating the Future of Learning is a ten-year forecast on the future of learning from KnowledgeWorks. This report presents the ways in which current societal shifts could shape education over the next ten years and beyond. Specifically it looks at the following drivers of change that may impact learning: Automating Choices: Artificial intelligence and algorithms are automating many aspects… Read More ›

Individualized Learning Plans for College and Career Readiness

This report from National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC), in partnership with Hobsons, examines how states and schools are using Individual Learning Plans (ILPs). ILPs developed by students in collaboration with educators to support their academic and career futures through goal setting and tracking, are being used in schools around the country. The research summarized… Read More ›

Schools Out

This tool, created by five education leaders, takes the reader through a visualization exercise to explore what a totally new, learner-centered education experience could look like. Through accompanying study/discussion questions it pushes readers to consider how they might contribute to the development of young people in their own communities. This exercise could be used to… Read More ›

Apply Now: Students at the Center Distinguished Fellowship

JFF’s Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative will select six leaders who are currently serving as classroom educators or school administrators in the New England area to comprise its next cohort of Students at the Center Distinguished Fellows. Selected Fellows will receive a $10,000 stipend over the course of their tenure, as well as access to an “impact… Read More ›

When Equity and Student-Centered Learning Go Hand in Hand

student at the center

I spent two days at the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative meeting last week. Kudos to the Student at the Center team for integrating equity and student-centered learning so deeply that they were one and the same. I’ll share three highlights of the meeting: First, Eric Toshalis opened up the meeting with an acknowledgment that the meeting was taking place… Read More ›

Center on Technology and Disability

The Center on Technology and Disability (CTD), funded by the U.S. Department of Education, is designed to increase the capacity of families and providers to advocate for, acquire, and implement effective assistive and instructional technology (AT/IT) practices, devices, and services. These technologies have the potential to help youth with disabilities better access the general educational curriculum,… Read More ›

Quality and Equity by Design: Charting the Course for the Next Phase of Competency-Based Education

This report seeks to advance K-12 competency education by examining key factors required to bring competency education to scale while ensuring quality and sustainability. Specifically, it looks at four issues: Quality Equity Meeting students where they are Policy The report incorporated feedback and recommendations from stakeholders who attended the National Summit on K-12 Competency-Based Education.  It provides… Read More ›