Tools for Scaling Best Practices: Windows, Bridges and Roadmaps

Our last two articles (here and here) explored the scaling of Work-Study Practices (WSPs, a.k.a., deeper learning competencies) in New Hampshire, the growth of this education innovation in the state and the role of a statewide, nonprofit intermediary, the New Hampshire Learning Initiative (NHLI) as a scaling agent. There is another driver of scale observed… Read More ›

Why There’s A Push To Get Police Out Of Schools


This article and accompanying podcast from MindShift explores the rationale for decreasing police in schools. This has long been a goal of the black lives matter. This article explains the call for decreasing police presence in schools. It suggests several student-centered alternatives to increase student safety including restorative justice programs, positive behavioral interventions and supports… Read More ›

The Sciences of Teaching

In this Educational Leadership article, the authors discuss how the fields of neuroscience and psychology come together to shed light on what is known about teaching and learning. They look at ways knowledge from both fields provides insight into four commonly discussed scientific findings about learning. They explore the importance of growth mindset, linking new… Read More ›

Learning in the Time of Corona: Fast Classes and Less Sleep

This article, written by a teacher at the Urban Assembly School for Math and Science for Young Women, an all-girls school serving grades 6 through 12 in downtown Brooklyn, N.Y., highlights student voices. The article features excerpts from interviews with students about their experiences with remote learning. The author hopes other educators can learn from… Read More ›

White Folks Series


This two part webinar series is focused on strategies for engaging in racial equity conversations and actionable next steps.  It will be hosted in collaboration between Diversity Talks and a newly founded organization, PR(iSM) RESISTANCE COALITION  which specializes in redesigning systems, structures and policies from a diverse, equitable and inclusive lens. The hosts hope to… Read More ›

Not a Normal Convening but What’s Normal Anyway?

The Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative hosted its bi-annual grantee convening May 7-8. Our original plans were to meet in Philadelphia and visit with student activists and educators, but like so many of us are doing these days, we shifted everything to virtual. We met on screens rather than in rooms. We connected over Wi-Fi rather… Read More ›

Unleashing Your Innovative Genius: A Conversation with Deborah Olatunji

This is a transcript of an interview with Deborah Olatunji, a high school student from Delaware who recently authored a new book, Unleashing Your Innovative Genius: High School Redesigned, with the goal of igniting young people across the country to realize they have the power to transform education. The interview covers her educational journey including her… Read More ›

NHLI Voices from the Field with Jonathan Vander Els

The New Hampshire Learning Initiative Voices From The Field Podcast with Jonathan Vander Els captures stories from students, teachers, principals, superintendents and national level influencers. In this series, they share their stories of vulnerability, connection, and the ways in which they have tried to provide guidance and support for their learners during the pandemic. We… Read More ›

“It’s Our Right…”: The Opportunities Gained by Helping Students of Color Practice Resisting Racism

In this article, two authors discuss lessons they learned about supporting student activism during research for their book, Schooling for Critical Consciousness: Engaging Black and Latinx Youth in Analyzing, Navigating, and Challenging Racial Injustice. They share examples that illustrate the importance of supporting actions taken by students to protest rather than simply teaching about systemic… Read More ›

How We Can Help Our Children to Be “Disaster-resilient” & Why We Must

This webinar run by Embrace Race will look at the indirect effects of COVID-19 that could have long-term impacts on children, especially in socially, politically, economically and, often, racially marginalized communities. This conversation will focus on the ways in which the unfolding crisis might be affecting children’s mental health, and what educators, community members, and… Read More ›

The 3 Biggest Remote Teaching Concerns We Need to Solve Now

This article looks at three issues that have grown from the shift to remote learning in response to school closures due to COVID-19. In particular, it examines concerns over student privacy, accessibility of education technology materials for all students and equitable access to online learning technology and internet connection. This is a thoughtful piece for… Read More ›

Confronting the Coronavirus Outbreak

This section of the Usable Knowledge website brings together advice for educators during school closures due to COVID-19. Usable Knowledge is an online resource from the Harvard Graduate School of Education that aims to make education research and best practices accessible to educators, policymakers, members of the media, nonprofit leaders, entrepreneurs and parents. As such,… Read More ›