Center on Technology and Disability

The Center on Technology and Disability (CTD), funded by the U.S. Department of Education, is designed to increase the capacity of families and providers to advocate for, acquire, and implement effective assistive and instructional technology (AT/IT) practices, devices, and services. These technologies have the potential to help youth with disabilities better access the general educational curriculum,… Read More ›

Quality and Equity by Design: Charting the Course for the Next Phase of Competency-Based Education

This report seeks to advance K-12 competency education by examining key factors required to bring competency education to scale while ensuring quality and sustainability. Specifically, it looks at four issues: Quality Equity Meeting students where they are Policy The report incorporated feedback and recommendations from stakeholders who attended the National Summit on K-12 Competency-Based Education.  It provides… Read More ›

Research Collaborative Seminar: Learning With Others

The Students at the Center Hub at KnowledgeWorks.

According to a new report from American Institutes for Research (AIR) and JFF’s Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative, “to truly personalize, we must recognize that students vary in their needs for social support and exchange.” But how can we effectively meet those needs in the classroom? In this webinar, the Research Collaborative and AIR dig into… Read More ›

Competency Works Series on Mastery Based Education in Idaho

This series of ten articles looks at how mastery-based education is being rolled out in the state of Idaho. The Staff from Competency Works visited seven schools in four districts, all changing from rural to more suburban communities. All the schools visited are are in the early stages of implementation, but have made much progress. These… Read More ›

ASCD Empower 2019


ASCD Empower 2019 will take place in Chicago, IL. This large, annual conference seeks to provide an opportunity to learn, share knowledge, and gain tools to lead students into the future of education. Participants will have an opportunity to Empower 2019 aims to provide educators with trusted content, a solid direction in their learning, networking… Read More ›

Understanding implementation of proficiency-based education in Maine

Education Development Center (EDC) conducted this study as part of the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative’s initial cycle of research. The team at EDC worked alongside fellow scholars, educators and policymakers to investigate the impact of specific student-centered practices and then translate their findings for cross-sector audiences. EDC’s final report, Understanding Implementation of Proficiency-Based Education in… Read More ›

EdTech That Connects

This free, searchable market map features edtech tools designed to connect students—to new people, supports, and opportunities. This article by the The Christensen Institute, which created the map, provides a great introduction to the tool and frames the important potential of these tools to expand students’ networks and lessen gaps in access to social capital. The… Read More ›

The Opportunity Myth

This report showcases the findings from a large study conducted by The New Teacher Project (TNTP) in an effort to answer the question, “How can so many students be graduating from high school unprepared to meet their goals for college and careers?”. TNTP partnered with five diverse school systems, rural and urban, district and charter, to listen… Read More ›

Abolishing the phrase “I’m not a math person” Tech High Graduate School of Education (HTH) conducted this study as part of the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative’s initial cycle of research. The team at HTH worked alongside fellow scholars, educators, and policymakers to investigate the impact of specific student-centered practices and then translate their findings for cross-sector audiences. HTH’s final report, Abolishing the… Read More ›

Learning With Others: A Study Exploring the Relationship Between Collaboration, Personalization, and Equity

American Institutes for Research (AIR) conducted this study as part of the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative’s initial cycle of research. The team at AIR worked alongside fellow scholars, educators and policymakers to investigate the impact of specific student-centered practices and then translate their findings for cross-sector audiences. AIR’s final report, Learning with Others: A Study Exploring… Read More ›

Maximizing Student Agency: Implementation of Student-Centered Learning Approaches American Institutes for Research (AIR) conducted this study as part of the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative’s initial cycle of research. The team at AIR worked alongside fellow scholars, educators, and policymakers to investigate the impact of specific student-centered practices and then translate their findings for cross-sector audiences. AIR’s final report, Maximizing Student Agency: Implementation of… Read More ›