Twitter Chat on Competency-Based Education #21stEdChat

Brian Stack, principal at Sanborn Regional High School (NH), is hosting a Twitter chat this Sunday and the Nellie Mae Education Foundation invites you to attend! Join #21stEdChat this Sunday, April 17th from 8:00pm – 9:00pm EST to talk about competency-based education. You can connect with Brain and learn more about what he’s been doing… Read More ›

National School Counseling Week

National School Counseling Week, sponsored by the American School Counselor Association, highlights the tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career. National School Counseling Week is always celebrated the first full week in February. Check out archives from 2015 National School Counseling Week!

Our Schools Our Future

Our Schools Our Future is a community group in Sanford, Maine with the mission to partner with parents, students and schools to amplify parent and youth voice in education so all students receive what they need to succeed. The group is working to grow public support for implementation of student-centered, proficiency-based learning in the district.… Read More ›

District Redesign Centered around Student Learning

This 12-minute video introduces the basic ideas involved in a district-wide shift to student centered learning and explores the specific efforts undertaken in Pittsfield. It features the superintendent, principal, teachers, parents, and students. The video focuses on personalized extended learning opportunities for students, community involvement efforts, the student-led site council, and the advisory program. This video… Read More ›

What You Need To Know: A Guide To Understanding The Pittsfield School District Redesign

This article outlines the plans of the Pittsfield School District to redesign teaching and learning to become more student centered. The document introduces the concept of student centered learning. It also provides detailed descriptions of the district’s plans to provide multiple pathways to learning through in classroom, co-curricular, and non-traditional opportunities such as authentic assessment, flexible… Read More ›

What is Flipped Learning: Flipped Learning Definition

This two page overview developed by the Flipped Learning Network gives an excellent definition of flipped learning, suitable for introducing the concept to any audience. It lays out the components of successful flexible learning, detailing each of the four pillars: creating a flexible learning environment, shifting to a student-centered learning culture, providing intentional content to… Read More ›

Flipped Learning Toolkit: Getting Everyone on Board

This tool features a short video that provides teachers with tips to help educate students, administrators, and parents about the flipped classroom teaching approach and gain their support. It also includes a short article for parents explaining the benefits of a flipped classroom, an article for students with tips on getting the most out of… Read More ›

Big Bang 2016

Big Bang is Big Picture Learning’s international conference on student-centered learning, drawing more than 500 educators from all over the world for a deep dive into the teaching and learning practices that best drive student engagement and involvement, both inside and outside of school. For more information, visit their website.

Student Generated Discussion Spawns Meaningful Learning

This article explores why teachers must demonstrate to students that they can be trusted. They can grow that trust by allowing students to jump in and take control of the direction of their learning. In a classroom, the unexpected can be both scary and exhilarating, which is why there is a need to create environments… Read More ›

Pittsfield Listens!

This organization brings community members together in a safe and authentic way to share ideas, get informed, discuss issues, support solutions, and help make Pittsfield, New Hampshire, a great place for everyone to live, learn, work, and play. Source Organization: Pittsfield Listens! Visit the Resource

Parents and Youth for Change

Parents and Youth for Change (PYC) helps everyday people make real change in education together, building the collective power of students and parents to improve opportunities for youth by organizing themselves to research an issue and push forward solutions. PYC provides the structure and support for untapped wisdom, leadership, and capacity in the community. It… Read More ›

Maine Youth Action Network

This program contributes to creating healthier and more productive schools and communities in Maine by ensuring youth are aware of, informed about, and taking action on critical issues that affect them. Main Youth Action Network (MYAN) is a program of The Opportunity Alliance. The Opportunity Alliance works with people to build better lives and stronger communities.… Read More ›