Center for Youth Voice in Practice and Policy

This organization, the Center for Youth Voice in Policy and Practice—a virtual center—provides a fresh new platform for young people as knowledge creators and policy advocates. Using well-honed research and documentation strategies, the work digs into issues that matter to youth: good schools, college access and success, technology, discrimination, equality, negative youth stereotyping, programs and… Read More ›

The Glossary of Education Reform

The Glossary of Education Reform ( is a public, online resource that defines and describes major terms, concepts, and strategies in public-education reform. The Glossary of Education Reform was created to help journalists, parents, and community members-anyone with an interest or investment in our public schools-understand some of the major reform concepts being discussed by… Read More ›

Documenting Stories of Immigration in Your Community

This resource provides information on how to empower students to become more engaged with the issue of immigration and provides a manual for teachers and students for getting started. Source Organization: What Kids Can Do Visit the Resource

My Voice National Student Report, 2014 Grades 6-12

The mission of My Voice, a Pearson Foundation initiative, is to help measure the perceptions of everyone at school, elevate the impact of student voice and foster the changes that are vital for students to realize academic, social and personal success. The My Voice Survey was created to assess a framework developed by the Quaglia… Read More ›

The College Pathways Tools Series

The complete tool set provides all the Beating-the-Odds study tools in one publication: a framework and rubric, a student survey, a focus group protocol for students, and a focus group protocol and parent handout for families. Together, these tools enable high schools and their partners to get a multifaceted look at how well they are preparing students… Read More ›

Students as Allies in Improving Their Schools: Student and Teacher Surveys

What Kids Can Do worked with schools in 5 cities to support student involvement in reform as part of the”Students As Allies” initiative. They helped students conduct action research, participate in meaningful dialogue, and take action in partnership with adults. The Student and Teacher surveys, which were updated in 2011, can be adapted by student/adult… Read More ›

Three Levels of Text Protocol

The purpose of this protocol is to support text-based discussion. This tool creates an environment that deepens understanding of a text and explore implication for students’ work. Source Organization: National School Reform Faculty VISIT THE RESOURCE

The Courage to Confront Equity Issues in Competency Education

This article discusses the importance of maintaining conversations about equity as the field moves towards more learner-centered models. It makes compelling arguments for thinking about and working to alleviate five key equity concerns: Keeping students in school Addressing inequity in educational/social capital Balancing personal choices and equity in the transition from high school to life Language as asset… Read More ›

Learning Space Toolkit

This Learning Space Toolkit includes a roadmap to guide the creation of an informal learning space along with tools and techniques for assessing needs, understanding technology, describing spaces, planning and delivering support services and assembling space, technology and services to meet needs, even as they change. North Carolina State University Libraries and its Distance Education… Read More ›

Competency Education Can Address Readiness Gaps – But Not Alone

­My youngest brother’s senior year of high school—in a public school in New Jersey—was also my first year running a competency-based high school for over-age and under-credited youth in St. Louis. It is hard to describe just how different his experience was compared to my students’. My brother attended one of the best public high… Read More ›