Schools Out

This tool, created by five education leaders, takes the reader through a visualization exercise to explore what a totally new, learner-centered education experience could look like. Through accompanying study/discussion questions it pushes readers to consider how they might contribute to the development of young people in their own communities. This exercise could be used to… Read More ›

Apply Now: Students at the Center Distinguished Fellowship

JFF’s Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative will select six leaders who are currently serving as classroom educators or school administrators in the New England area to comprise its next cohort of Students at the Center Distinguished Fellows. Selected Fellows will receive a $10,000 stipend over the course of their tenure, as well as access to an “impact… Read More ›

Meeting Students Where They Are

This webinar features a conversation about what it means to meet students where they are with the authors of the iNACOL report Meeting Students Where They Are. Competency-based education models, designed to ensure equity for all students, are gaining momentum nationally. Central to CBE is a commitment to meet students where they are. This report… Read More ›

Assessment and Student Agency

This webinar will be focused on student agency—making students active participants in their own learning. This is a major element in personalized learning and a critical component of 21st-century education. During this webinar, Jan Bryan, Ed.D., National Education Officer at Renaissance, will try to answer the questions: how do we promote agency in our classrooms… Read More ›

When Equity and Student-Centered Learning Go Hand in Hand

student at the center

I spent two days at the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative meeting last week. Kudos to the Student at the Center team for integrating equity and student-centered learning so deeply that they were one and the same. I’ll share three highlights of the meeting: First, Eric Toshalis opened up the meeting with an acknowledgment that the meeting was taking place… Read More ›

Quality and Equity by Design: Charting the Course for the Next Phase of Competency-Based Education

This report seeks to advance K-12 competency education by examining key factors required to bring competency education to scale while ensuring quality and sustainability. Specifically, it looks at four issues: Quality Equity Meeting students where they are Policy The report incorporated feedback and recommendations from stakeholders who attended the National Summit on K-12 Competency-Based Education.  It provides… Read More ›

Competency Works Series on Mastery Based Education in Idaho

This series of ten articles looks at how mastery-based education is being rolled out in the state of Idaho. The Staff from Competency Works visited seven schools in four districts, all changing from rural to more suburban communities. All the schools visited are are in the early stages of implementation, but have made much progress. These… Read More ›

Student-Centered Learning Self-Reflection Tool

The Student-Centered Learning Self-Reflection Tool was created by Mary Bellavance, Instructional Coach at Biddeford Middle School and Students at the Center Distinguished Fellow alum, during the 2017-18 academic year to support teachers, coaches, and school leaders as they implement student-centered learning (SCL) practices in their learning environments. This tool is organized around the four research-based… Read More ›

Understanding implementation of proficiency-based education in Maine

Education Development Center (EDC) conducted this study as part of the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative’s initial cycle of research. The team at EDC worked alongside fellow scholars, educators and policymakers to investigate the impact of specific student-centered practices and then translate their findings for cross-sector audiences. EDC’s final report, Understanding Implementation of Proficiency-Based Education in… Read More ›

Learner-Centered Professional Learning Culture

Learner-Centered Professional Learning Culture maps the transitions and transformations from “School Centered” to “Learner-Centered.” As the professional learning culture deepens. schools transition to practices that ensure every learner is equipped with the knowledge, skills and dispositions to realize their potential. With an intentional focus on educational equity—defined as: Academic achievement Positive socio-cultural and linguistic identity… Read More ›