Ensuring Rhode Island Teachers and Students Thrive

Eve Goldberg

We know from research that investing in the development of teacher leadership results in gains in student learning, increases in their own capacity, and bolsters the culture of their school systems. We also know that teachers have unique insights on what is most effective in their classrooms, schools, and districts but this expertise isn’t always… Read More ›

Flexible Pathways to Graduation: Six Vermont High School Students

This video, created by UP for Learning as part of their Communicating School Redesign efforts (partnering with Ned),  features six Vermont high school students describing how they have used multiple pathways to personalize and direct their own learning. The students in the video are using a combination of community/work-based learning, virtual and blended learning, dual enrollment, early… Read More ›

Students at the Center: Personalized Learning with Habits of Mind

This archived webinar from the Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) discusses the book Students at the Center: Personalized Learning with Habits of Mind, written by Bena Kallick and Allison Zmuda. The authors discuss the four attributes they feel are critical to personalized learning: voice, cocreation, social construction, and self-discovery. They note that a… Read More ›

Defining Student-Centered Learning

This two-page overview of student-centered learning was developed by Meriden Public Schools based on the Nellie Mae Education Foundation’s, Putting Students at the Center: A Reference Guide. It provides short descriptions of the main tenets of student-centered learning: student-owned, personalized, occurs anytime, anywhere, and is mastery-based. It also details what students and teachers should look… Read More ›

STEMtastic Strategies for Implementation of Early College STEM Programs

This webinar is the second in a series sponsored by The Community of Practice and will explore several types of implementations of STEM schools across the United States. The Community of Practice is a website dedicated to educators, school districts, postsecondary institutions, businesses and community organizations, and anyone interested in developing and expanding early college and career pathway programs and… Read More ›

Helping Struggling Students Build a Growth Mindset

This article, written by two veteran researchers of brain and education science, presents five strategies to help struggling students develop positive outlooks on their learning capabilities. The authors outline the potential positive outcomes for students who have developed a growth mindset. The strategies the authors share include, creating student success files (a continually updated collection that… Read More ›

Keys to ESSA Readiness

As state and school district leaders prepare for the Every Student Succeeds Act’s new challenges and flexibility, this virtual event sponsored by Education Week will provide practical takeaways on ESSA’s crucial 2017-18 rollout. The new law resets the relationship between the federal government and other players on K-12 policy, giving greater autonomy—and added responsibility—to state and local… Read More ›

EdSurge on Air

These podcasts by EdSurge are curated on topics related to education technology. The podcast episodes feature news updates, interviews, and debates on a variety of topics, globally and nationally. Edsurge provides transcripts, as well as great background information on the topic. Past episodes feature topics such as suggestions for superintendents selecting edtech products, relevant data… Read More ›

States Capacity a Nagging Issue as ESSA Gears Up

This article discusses whether state lawmakers are ready for implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The article raises concerns that state education agencies do not have adequate staffing or funding to address the responsibilities of crafting and managing state accountability plans. In addition, it asserts that states are already tackling many other new… Read More ›

How Design Thinking Became a Buzzword at School

This article discusses the lack of clarity around the concept of design thinking. Confusion around the topic is not surprising as design thinking encompasses a wide array of mindsets and philosophies. For this piece, the author interviewed Neil Stevenson, the executive portfolio director at IDEO Chicago, one of the best-known organizations dedicated to design thinking.… Read More ›