Powerful Leaders: Reflections on Student Voice

I have always been interested in public policy and government. I grew up watching the news on Sunday mornings and every day after school. I always knew that I wanted to be involved and have a voice, and joining Young Voices gave me that opportunity. Young Voices, a Providence based-youth organizing group, trains young people… Read More ›

Research Collaborative Seminar: Rehumanizing Mathematics Education

This Research Collaborative Seminar questions: How can educators rehumanize mathematics learning and establish assessments that serve as both a window and a mirror? The featured presenter in this video is Dr. Rochelle Gutiérrez, Professor of Curriculum and Instruction at the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Research has demonstrated that well-designed personalized… Read More ›

The Student-Centered Learning Podcast

Created by Students at the Center Distinguished Fellow Arthur Eduardo Baraf, this podcast explores the many facets of student-centered learning. In this featured episode, Baraf interviews Courtney Jacobs, a veteran teacher and coach who works with schools through the Great Schools Partnership in New England. They discuss the “what” and “why” of competency-based learning, and the “how” of… Read More ›

What the Savviest School Administrators Know About Education Technology

This article discusses the challenge administrators face as they choose between a large array of ed technology for their schools. Administrators must take into consideration evidence of effectiveness, privacy, and time needed for training, amongst a host of other criteria when selecting technology to support personalized learning. The article outlines and provides links to a… Read More ›

Glossary of Instructional Strategies

This glossary defines over 1,000 instructional strategies, including many used in student-centered environments. The short entries use simple, clear language. This tool will be helpful to families and community members who need quick definitions of education terms used by their child’s teachers and school leaders. Source Organization: Kelly Jo Rowan Visit the Resource

Why a School’s Master Schedule Is a Powerful Enabler of Change

This KQED MindShift blog article follows the school-wide improvement led by Principal Jerry Smith at Luella High School outside Atlanta, Georgia. Looking to drastically transform classrooms and move to a more inquiry-based approach, the school competed for and won a Next Generation Systems Initiative grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to begin their… Read More ›

How Lobsters are Keeping Students in School

This article explores the move to a personalized learning program in one small rural community in Maine. Deer Isle-Stonington High School was struggling with one of the highest dropout rates in the state, losing many students early to the lobster fishing industry that is the life-blood of the town. A school improvement plan, begun in… Read More ›

High Schools Create Career Connections

This article explores a modern approach to career and technical education. Using school examples from all over the country, the author introduces a broad array of career programs in a number of industries from film to medicine. In all of the examples, education and industry leaders have worked together to identify the skills needed for… Read More ›


This is a resource for educators interested in integrating issues of social and economic justice into their math classes and curriculum. On the RadicalMath website, visitors will find over 700 lesson plans, articles, charts, graphs, data sets, maps, books, and websites. Source Organization: RadicalMath Visit the Resource

Launching the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative

Originally Posted on Competency Works, November 11, 2016 There is increasing evidence supporting the growth of student-centered learning (competency-based learning is one of the four elements) to promote success for all students and drive equity in education. Yet, work remains. How can we curate research-based best practices for implementation? How can we scale student-centered learning,… Read More ›

Research Collaborative Seminar: Rehumanizing Mathematics Education

Did you miss the first seminar of our series? A recording of “Rehumanizing Mathematics Education” with featured presenter Dr. Rochelle Gutiérrez is now available. Research has demonstrated that well-designed personalized learning opportunities can elevate student achievement. But how to account for cultural diversity as well as varying levels of competency in a single classroom can be… Read More ›