Ready for College and Career?

What will it really take to ensure more youth are prepared to thrive in the 21st century? This report finds that a range of cross-cutting skills like communication, innovation and self-regulation are crucial to student success. Student-centered approaches to learning can equip students with a range of skills necessary to do well on the Common… Read More ›

Student-Centered Learning: Impact Academy of Arts and Technology

With a distinct focus on personalization and student engagement, Impact Academy of Arts and Technology High School (Impact Academy) stands out as a unique learning environment when compared to neighboring comprehensive high schools. At Impact Academy, students are expected to know how to synthesize information, determine what’s important, and present what they’ve learned. The school’s… Read More ›

Student-Centered Learning: City Arts and Technology High School

City Arts and Technology High School (CAT) emphasizes a strong student-centered focus, student-based inquiry, self-reflection, student exhibitions and portfolio defenses, and ongoing professional development for teachers. CAT holds students to high academic expectations by nurturing strong relationships with the students and coherent instructional approaches and expectations to help provide consistency for their students, many of… Read More ›

What is Blended Learning?

This five-minute video advocates for bringing the blended learning approach—mixing the use of personalized education technology with hands on classroom work, to students nationwide. It features footage of principals, teachers, parents, and students explaining the approach and its benefits, including increasing student engagement and ownership of their own learning through personalization. The Learning Accelerator, which… Read More ›

Mobility, Connection, Support: Nudging Learners to Better Results

Neuroscience research tells us that the adolescent brain is still developing beyond the teenage years, but what does this mean for student motivation and engagement? The University of Washington Tacoma, in partnership with Persistence Plus, explores the use of mobile “nudging” to help students succeed and persist in post-secondary education. Visit the Resource →

What Parents Want: Education Preferences and Trade-offs

This groundbreaking study finds that nearly all parents seek schools with a solid core curriculum in reading and math, an emphasis on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education, and the development in students of good study habits, strong critical thinking skills, and excellent verbal and written communication skills. But some parents also prefer specializations… Read More ›

Neuroeducation: 25 Findings Over 25 Years

informED celebrates the 25th anniversary of the emergence of the field of neuroeducation with a list of the most significant findings in neuroscience education of the past 25 years. Be sure to check out the interactive learning strategies 3D brain map and the related Students at the Center Brainy Approaches to Learning infographic. Read Neuroeducation:… Read More ›

Of Executive Functions and Postsecondary Success

Paul Tough’s new book, How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character, is about the importance of character in preparing students for success in education, employment, and life. Specifically, he describes the critical role of developing executive functions for young people to succeed in college. Executive functions, according to Mr. Tough, combine… Read More ›

Students at the Center Newsletter – December 2013

View the December, 2013 newsletter for the latest publications, articles, tools, and event announcements from Students at the Center! Subscribe to the Students at the Center Mailing List Visit the Resource →