6 Steps to Ensuring ILPs Better Support Inclusive Personalized Learning

In this article, authors Ace Parsi and Curtis Richards highlight the importance of individualized learning plans (ILPs) to increase engagement in school, especially for students with disabilities. Research shows that when implemented well, ILPs can lead to stronger academic goal-setting, self-efficacy, and motivation. The authors recommend the following key actions to ensure students with disabilities fully… Read More ›

Authentic Assessments Video Playlist

The videos in this series all focus on formative assessments. They are part of Success at the Core, a free professional development toolkit designed to help school teams implement effective school leadership and teaching strategies that prepare all students for success in college and careers. Videos include middle school students: using a system of colored cards to… Read More ›

Kids Need More Personalized Learning to Keep Them in School

This article was originally posted in Youth Today on April 11, 2018 I recently reconnected with two of my best and brightest former fifth-grade students; let’s call them Maya and Avery. While I have kept up with them via social media, I have not seen them in more than 10 years. Both women are now… Read More ›

10 Reasons Why You Should Implement Digital Student Portfolios

In this article from the ASCD blog, Inservice, a principal outlines many reasons to use digital portfolios in support of student-centered learning. Digital portfolios are online collections of learning artifacts intentionally curated to showcase a student’s accomplishments and growth over time. Amongst other advantages, they highlight the process of learning, encourage students to be self directed… Read More ›

Blended Learning (Re)Defined

This article was originally posted in Education Week on January 30, 2018 Maggie and Daniel, seventh-grade students, participated in a field trip where they learned about Emmett Till, a 14-year-old African-American boy who was lynched in 1955 and is often recognized as a symbol of the Civil Rights Movement. Moved by his story, they decided… Read More ›

Performance Assessment Resource Bank

The Performance Assessment Resource Bank works to help states integrate performance assessments into their systems of assessment, develop the capacity of educators to effectively use performance assessment, and design policies to support these efforts. Their website features a large database that will be of interest to both educators and state leaders. Resources include: Over 500 K-12 performance… Read More ›

Tame the Beast: Tips for Designing and Using Rubrics

This article provides advice for designing and using effective rubrics from a fellow educator. It also discusses the importance of using rubrics with students. This tool is intended to help educators refine their rubrics. Tips include: Use parallel language Use student-friendly language Don’t use too many columns Rely on Descriptive Language The advice is relevant… Read More ›

Principals Tackle Classroom Tech Challenges

This webinar offers a look at what principals and other school leaders think of the power of digital technology in the classroom. An Education Week national survey of 500 school leaders showed that they believe it has the ability to improve student learning, personalize education, and engage students. Yet some educators and principals have expressed… Read More ›

Mindsets for Social-Emotional Learning: Part 2 – The Practice

On Wednesday, May 16th, edWeb will be hosting an event for the Mindsets for Social-Emotional Learning. This is a free professional learning community where educators can collaborate and share ideas, examples, and resources for igniting positive change through social-emotional learning. Students and educators can achieve success both inside and outside the classroom by understanding the different principles… Read More ›

Mindsets for Social-Emotional Learning: Part 1 – The Research

On Wednesday, May 2nd, edWeb will be hosting an event for the Mindsets for Social-Emotional Learning. This is a free professional learning community where educators can collaborate and share ideas, examples, and resources for igniting positive change through social-emotional learning. Students and educators can achieve success both inside and outside the classroom by understanding the different principles… Read More ›

HTH GSE Spring Institute: Equity and Innovation in PBL Assessment

High Tech High will be hosting their Spring Institute that aims to explore what assessment practices look like in the PBL classroom through reflection, critique, and exhibitions of learning. Some of the topics that will be discussed in this event are: Assessment and Inclusion—How do we support all learners? Critique and Revision—How do we use… Read More ›