Ensuring Rhode Island Teachers and Students Thrive

Eve Goldberg

We know from research that investing in the development of teacher leadership results in gains in student learning, increases in their own capacity, and bolsters the culture of their school systems. We also know that teachers have unique insights on what is most effective in their classrooms, schools, and districts but this expertise isn’t always… Read More ›

CTE in High School: Does It Improve Student Outcomes?

In this article, researchers Shaun Dougherty and Dara Zeehandelaar describe results from their study showing positive outcomes for students who participated in Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. They note that CTE programs may increase student engagement by connecting learning at school with real world use. The article outlines some of the failures of older… Read More ›

STEMtastic Strategies for Implementation of Early College STEM Programs

This webinar is the second in a series sponsored by The Community of Practice and will explore several types of implementations of STEM schools across the United States. The Community of Practice is a website dedicated to educators, school districts, postsecondary institutions, businesses and community organizations, and anyone interested in developing and expanding early college and career pathway programs and… Read More ›

Keys to ESSA Readiness

As state and school district leaders prepare for the Every Student Succeeds Act’s new challenges and flexibility, this virtual event sponsored by Education Week will provide practical takeaways on ESSA’s crucial 2017-18 rollout. The new law resets the relationship between the federal government and other players on K-12 policy, giving greater autonomy—and added responsibility—to state and local… Read More ›

Five Things You Need to Know About New Hampshire’s Completion-Based Funding Model

This article describes five key findings from a Center for Innovation in Education report on a New Hampshire completion-based funding (CBF) school finance model. New Hampshire embraces a competency-based education system, and this funding approach provides student funding based on assignments completed rather than enrollment numbers. The article details how the funding model works and… Read More ›

Launching the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative

Originally Posted on Competency Works, November 11, 2016 There is increasing evidence supporting the growth of student-centered learning (competency-based learning is one of the four elements) to promote success for all students and drive equity in education. Yet, work remains. How can we curate research-based best practices for implementation? How can we scale student-centered learning,… Read More ›

The Promise of Personalized Learning in Rural America

This paper explores the application of personalized learning in rural schools, discusses and proposes solutions to the practical and policy barriers to implementation, and shares lessons learned from early adopters, including three case studies from rural communities in Maine, Wyoming, and Nevada. The paper outlines a number of suggestions to help rural policy makers, administrators,… Read More ›

Can Personalized Learning Work in Rural America?

In this article, the author asserts that personalized learning can help resolve some of the unique challenges that rural schools and students in rural districts face. However, most of the initiatives to implement personalized learning, and the corresponding education research, have focused on urban settings. The article looks at how implementation in a rural setting is… Read More ›

Three Videos About The Future of Learning You’ll Want to Watch Now

So much has changed over the past hundred years. Technology has transformed the way we communicate and do business. We’ve made significant strides in medical research, disease treatment and quality of life. Yet, our education system, the system that is meant to prepare students for jobs in these fields, has remained largely the same. At… Read More ›

Transforming Lives Through Education: 2016 National Summit on Education Reform

Organized by the Foundation for Excellence in Education (ExcelinEd), this summit provides state and local policymakers, education leaders and advocates with comprehensive information on evolving laws, new trends, successful policies and the latest innovations that are transforming education for the 21st century. Speakers, keynotes, and strategy workshops cover a variety of topics that feature panels… Read More ›