Heavy Lifting: The State Capacities Required for Scaled Developmental Education Reform

This brief draws on the experience of four states in Jobs for the Future’s Postsecondary State Policy Network—Connecticut, Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia—that are among a very small number of states engaged in statewide developmental education reform. Developmental education is increasingly a target of reform for state policymakers. Rigorous research has exposed developmental education as a… Read More ›

Policy Meets Pathways: A State Policy Agenda for Transformational Change

This report, released by Jobs for the Future, says that a decade of interventions and improvements have fallen short because states and campuses have not taken large enough steps to address their biggest challenge—helping the 12.8 million students enrolled in community colleges earn postsecondary degrees and credentials to find good jobs. The report argues that campuses and… Read More ›

Every Student Succeeds Act Primer: High School Dropout Prevention and Reengagement of Out-of-School Youth

This three-page document provides a comprehensive overview of the Every Student Succeeds Act and its provisions that support High School Dropout Prevention and Reengagement of Out-of-School Youth. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015 includes provisions that support state and district efforts to prevent students from dropping out of high school, and to reengage out-of-school youth. It… Read More ›

Advancing Deeper Learning Under ESSA: Seven Priorities

This brief recommends seven ways for supporters of deeper learning to take advantage of the changing education policy landscape, as authority shifts from the federal government to states and local districts. The authors outline priorities to help the nation’s high schools move from a largely inequitable system to one that prepares all students for college… Read More ›

After Common Core, States Set Rigorous Standards

This article is about how the state standards have improved the implementation of the Common Core. Despite widespread skepticism, the campaign to implement Common Core State Standards (otherwise known as Common Core) has achieved phenomenal success in state houses across the country. Since 2011, 45 states have raised their standards for student proficiency in reading… Read More ›

Future Ready Learning: Reimagining the Role of Technology in Education

This report, the National Education Technology Plan, sets a national vision and plan for learning enabled by technology through building on the work of leading education researchers; district, school, and higher education leaders; classroom teachers; developers; entrepreneurs; and nonprofit organizations. Our schools, community colleges, and universities should be incubators of exploration and invention. Educators should be… Read More ›

Bush Education Foundations Push to Expand ‘Competency-based’ Learning

This article, on former Gov. Jeb Bush’s education reform foundations, advocates for policies in Florida and nationally that would allow students to advance academically based on whether they’ve mastered content rather than on their age or grade. With guidance from the Jeb Bush-founded Foundation for Florida’s Future and, in some cases, support from outside private… Read More ›

Center on Reinventing Public Education

This organization is a research and policy analysis center at the University of Washington developing system-wide solutions for K–12 public education. The Center on Reinventing Public Education’s research and policy analysis is focused on the complex systemic challenges affecting public education. CRPE develops, tests, and supports evidence-based solutions to create new possibilities for the parents,… Read More ›

Reach Higher Initiative

This initiative is the former First Lady Michelle Obama’s effort to inspire every student in America to take charge of their future by completing their education past high school, whether at a professional training program, a community college, or a four-year college or university. The Reach Higher initiative will help make sure all students understand… Read More ›