Performance Assessments: How State Policy Can Advance Assessments for 21st Century Learning

This report is intended to familiarize state boards of education with performance assessments and help state board members and other policymakers address some of the thorniest issues around these assessments: purpose, sustainability, reliability, accountability, policy alignment, equity, professional practice, and implementation. The report ends with a set of discussion questions so that each state can… Read More ›

Accountability for College and Career Readiness Developing a New Paradigm

This report—due to preparation for new standards under the Common Core and states moving toward creating more aligned systems of assessment and accountability—recommends an accountability approach that focuses on meaningful learning, enabled by professionally skilled and committed educators, and supported by adequate and appropriate resources, so that all students regardless of background are prepared for… Read More ›

Measuring What Really Matters

This article proposes the improvement of state accountability systems through the use of performance assessments. They conclude that unlike multiple choice tests, performance assessments can thoroughly asses the Common Core State Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards which require demonstration of more complex thinking and reasoning skills. The authors also explore the technical quality, practical,… Read More ›

An International Study in Competency Education: Postcards from Abroad

This report by Susan Patrick and Sara Frank Bristow highlights components of competency education in international practice, to inform U.S. policymakers and decision makers seeking to implement high-quality competency pathways at the state or local level. The report includes a brief lesson in the international vocabulary of competency education and explores practices in Finland, British Columbia… Read More ›

A K-12 Federal Policy Framework for Competency Education: Building Capacity for Systems Change

This report provides federal policymakers with a comprehensive vision for supporting state and local efforts to implement student-centered learning. The authors describe barriers and opportunities within federal education policy education policy frameworks, and identifies how the federal government is in a unique position to catalyze and scale student-centered learning. Source Organization: Nellie Mae Education Foundation Visit… Read More ›

Education Indicators for Maine 2015

In this report from the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, Educate Maine examines 10 indicators around education access, achievement, and participation for Maine students. Beyond promoting discussion, this paper serves as a call to action for increasing engagement, positive dialogue, and support for promising strategies amongst stakeholders so all Maine’s students receive the education they deserve.… Read More ›

Learning While Working: Building 21st Century Competency-Based Apprenticeships

This framework document outlines a set of key steps the National Network of Business and Industry Associations (the National Network) developed to help employers develop competency-based apprenticeships. The approach is applicable across multiple industry sectors and at companies of any size. The National Network launched in late 2013 with the mission to improve economic opportunity and quality of… Read More ›

Continuous Improvement in Education

This white paper by Sandra Park, Penny Carver, Lee Nordstrum, and Stephanie Hironaka, provides examples that illustrate how continuous quality improvement methodology is being applied in education toward the goals of making education more efficient, effective, and equitable. The examples are organized in three broad categories: at the level of classroom instruction, system-wide, and improvement efforts with collective… Read More ›

A State Policy Framework for Scaling Personalized Learning

This report identifies strategies to support scaling personalized learning for districts. Developed by KnowledgeWorks, the report focuses on curriculum, assessment, learning environments, partnerships, and more as recommendations for successful scaling efforts. Source Organization: KnowledgeWorks Visit the Resource