Proficiency-Based Learning and the Growth Mindset: A Classroom Example

This article describes the approach taken by a physics teacher at Prospect Hill Academy in Boston to support all students by both explicitly teaching the growth mindset and introducing a proficiency-based approach to learning. The article outlines five clear steps with pictures of classroom aids and links to additional resources, and describes the positive impact… Read More ›

Partnership for Change

This website, established in 2012, brings together local nonprofit and education organizations, government, and businesses within the school districts of Burlington and Winooski, Vermont to improve student-centered education. They are working in partnership to implement five levers of change: strengthening youth engagement and leadership, reshaping teaching and learning, personalized and proficiency based learning, family and… Read More ›

Supporting Student Success Through Time and Technology

This report details the current blended learning approaches at six expanded learning time schools across the country, and highlights their lessons learned. Additionally, it outlines seven design and implementation steps for practitioners interested in using technology to personalize student learning. Supporting Student Success is a guide for district leaders and school practitioners interested in implementing… Read More ›

2015 Student Technology Conference

The 2015 Student Technology Conference (StuTech 2015), a student-organized global conversation about technology in education, takes place Saturday, January 31st from 9am – 9pm US-Eastern Standard Time. This online event (held in Blackboard Collaborate) is open to all and will feature student keynote speakers and conference presentations by students in grades 6-12. We hope you will… Read More ›

It’s About Time: Lessons from Expanded Learning Time in Meriden, Conn.

This handbook was created for unions and districts who are interested in, or working towards, putting an expanded learning model into place in traditional community schools. It’s About Time provides lessons learned from Meriden, Connecticut, following the planning, design, implementation, and plans for scale of this model, detailing the collaborative efforts of the Meriden Public Schools and the… Read More ›

CBHS Principal Named 2014 Lawrence O’Toole Award Recipient

This article provides information on the 2014 Larry O’Toole Award winner. Casco Bay High School Principal Derek Pierce was awarded the Nellie Mae Education Foundation’s 3rd Annual Larry O’Toole Award. The award and monetary prize is given annually to a New England school, district, or organization dedicated to student-centered learning. Casco Bay High School is… Read More ›

Parent Leadership Training Institute Curriculum Overview

This curriculum overview describes classes, rationale, structure, and values of the leadership training. A great resource for those communities interested in creating their own training for parents. Source Organization: Connecticut Commission on Children VISIT THE RESOURCE

“I Used to Think”

This video from the Sanford Public School features Sanford teachers discussing their process of continuously learning to adjust their classroom practices in order to provide student-centered, proficiency-based learning experiences for and with their students. Source Organization: Sanford School Department

Curriculum & Instruction – Sanford Public School

The Sanford Public School provides public details about their curriculum and instructional approach with resources for parents, students, and staff. Source Organization: Sanford School Department Visit the Resource