Technology Counts 2017

Technology Counts 2017: Classroom Tech: Where Schools Stand is Education Week’s 20th annual report on education technology. The report’s feature story reveals concern that technology is not being used to its full potential in K-12 schools across the country. It points to continued gaps in access to broadband networks and inadequate teacher training which raise… Read More ›

The MyWays Initiative

MyWays is an initiative of Next Generation Learning Challenge (NGLC). It is an effort to synthesize a broader, deeper definition of student success: success for learning, working, and living in the fast-changing world facing today’s youth. The initiative seeks to help school communities address big questions in education today by: Fully understanding why a changing world requires reimagining… Read More ›

The Next Generation of Differentiation: The Path to More Powerful Personalization

As education continues to change, so does our definition of differentiation. In this webinar, Madeline Ahearn, Curriculum Administrator in Eugene School District 4J in Oregon, will explore how personalization has evolved in her district and how new innovative technologies have supported increased opportunities to personalize learning. The webinar will cover: Personal learning strategies beyond basic… Read More ›

The Crucial Factor in School Success is School Culture (Part 1 of 3)

Transforming schools: the key ingredient is right in front of us. School reform is more than incorporating tech tools, being competency-based, or implementing student-centered practices. It’s more than opening the walls or focusing on core competencies. School reform starts by transforming school culture, and reforms flourish when we allow adults to be creative and compassionate… Read More ›

Skills for Today: What We Know about Teaching and Assessing Collaboration

This literature review from researchers at Pearson and Partnership for 21st Century Learning (P21) explores existing research on the importance of collaboration skills, as well as how to teach and assess these skills in K-12 and higher-education classrooms. The review examines research on successful k-12 and higher ed interventions to increase collaboration and teamwork skills. Techniques for assessment of… Read More ›

CCE Culturally-Responsive Teaching Resources

This resource features two tools from the Center for Collaborative Education (CCE) which focus on culturally-responsive teaching practices. Both tools are practical and can be used by educators to examine their teaching practices and design lessons and performance tasks that are more accessible and engaging for students from all cultures. Culturally-Responsive Teaching Mindsets: Examples and… Read More ›

KQED Teach Online Courses

KQED Teach offers free online courses on a variety of digital products and tools that can be used to enhance learning. The courses begin with Foundations in Media which introduces the key digital media literacy concepts. Subsequent courses focus on one digital tool or product with overview modules/lessons, which should take between two and three hours to… Read More ›

Rethinking Use of Space and Time for Next Generation Schools

This article shares key tips and examples from Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC) and 2Revolutions Reimagining Space, Time and Staffing toolkit which includes strategies and resources from NGLC grantees on space and design, an often overlooked piece of the learning experience. It explores the importance of space to support personalized learning and the impact that classroom and… Read More ›

Competency-Based Education (CBE) Toolkit

This Competency-Based Education (CBE) Toolkit was born out of the work of Digital Promise’s League of Innovative Schools and features lessons learned by ten districts from across the country. Lessons are mapped to an implementation framework and include the following topics: Stakeholder engagement Curriculum and instruction Standards and assessment, Infrastructure Staffing and scheduling District leaders,… Read More ›

Student Voices from Revere High School

These three videos feature students from Revere High School in Massachusetts. Each student discusses the impact a student-centered learning environment has had on their experiences and dreams for the future. These short videos could be used to build community support for a shift to student-centered learning. Source Organization: Imaj Associates