Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships

This tool is an update of the groundbreaking framework for family-school partnerships, designed in 2014 by researcher and family engagement expert Karen Mapp, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Education and the Southwest Educational Development Lab. The revisions were made after several years of research which point to the pivotal role of trust in… Read More ›

Transitioning and Sustaining Competency-Based Education During School Closures

This article looks at the remote learning experience of South Bronx Community Charter High School (SBC), a school launched in 2016 with a strong competency education approach. A mastery-based approach positioned them to make a smoother transition to remote learning. The article discusses several strategies they continued to rely on strong relationships with advisors and… Read More ›

Cultivating Connections After Trauma: Relationship Equity in Your Classroom


Interactions are at the heart of healing yet teachers sometimes overlook whether connections are equitably distributed across children in their classrooms. To explore this, teachers may ask themselves questions, such as “Who in your care is most connected to you or approaches you for comfort or to share something from their personal life?” Amanda Wiliford,… Read More ›

Providence Students Use Data to Participate in System Change

Beyoncé and many others have said, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” This is particularly true during the myriad crises presented by our current pandemic. But even before COVID-19, way back in the summer of 2019, it was all lemons for educators in Providence, RI. A blistering report from the Johns Hopkins Institute told… Read More ›

Teaching, Technology, and Teacher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Stories from the Field

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted education, forcing teachers and teacher educators into emergency, remote instruction. While there were noted challenges, there also were global success stories of innovation in preparing current and future teachers. This eBook published by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) and the Society for Information Technology and… Read More ›

The Blended Learning Models that Can Help Schools Reopen

This article explores two approaches to blended learning that could be used in schools, providing a mix of in-person and remote learning. In particular, the article discusses flipped learning in which students watch videos of content at home and use class time for more involved work. This enriched virtual model has students completing most of… Read More ›

The Sciences of Teaching

In this Educational Leadership article, the authors discuss how the fields of neuroscience and psychology come together to shed light on what is known about teaching and learning. They look at ways knowledge from both fields provides insight into four commonly discussed scientific findings about learning. They explore the importance of growth mindset, linking new… Read More ›

Planning for Success in the Fall Starts with Personalization

In this article, the author makes a strong case for the need for personalization to address the wide range of student needs next year. He asserts that the great concerns around equity that have been brought to the surface and exacerbated due to COVID-19 school closures can only be addressed if educators can commit to… Read More ›

Powerful Learning Conference


This online conference hosted by the New Hampshire Learning Initiative will bring together NH educators. The event will feature presentations and workshops that address timely topics such as maintaining relationships during remote learning, using assessment to support student agency, competency-based grading systems, passion projects, and supporting families.  The conference has been designed to include varied… Read More ›

Respond, Reimagine, Restart


This ASCD Virtual Conference will bring together practitioners and thought leaders to share their perspectives and offer insights, tools, and strategies to help you plan for the 2020–2021 school year. Virtual events will cover topics in areas including operational and budget considerations, equitable decisions on instruction, safety concerns, and preparing educators to best support students… Read More ›