Center on Reinventing Public Education

This organization is a research and policy analysis center at the University of Washington developing system-wide solutions for K–12 public education. The Center on Reinventing Public Education’s research and policy analysis is focused on the complex systemic challenges affecting public education. CRPE develops, tests, and supports evidence-based solutions to create new possibilities for the parents,… Read More ›

Games And Learning (Dot Org)

This organization is a news and information service aimed at increasing the amount of information available for those interested in developing and funding new educational games for children and young adults. The site is operated by the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop and is a project of the Games and Learning Publishing Council.… Read More ›

The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop

This organization, the Joan Ganz Cooney Center, an independent research lab, addresses the challenges of educating children in the face of the changing media landscape. The center’s mission is to conduct original research on emerging education technologies and collaborate with educators and media producers to put this research into action. Program initiatives fall into 3… Read More ›

Education Commission of the States

This organization was created in 1965 for state policy makers to share education research and expertise with each other. Today Education Commission of the States (ECS) provides state policy makers advice and consultation on policy plans and proposed legislation, testimony at legislative hearings, policy research on any education topic, and connections to state leaders grappling… Read More ›

The Why, What, Where, and How of Deeper Learning in American Secondary Schools

This report puts the deeper learning movement in historical context and describes the authors’ research into schools that are attempting to embrace the goals of deeper learning for all of their students. The paper concludes with suggestions for re-envisioning the industrial model of public schooling inherited from the early 20th century in order to build an educational… Read More ›

Students at the Center: TEDx Talk

This film, from Nellie Mae Education Foundation’s CEO Nick Donahue speech at TEDx Beacon Street, questions why our education system designed as if it’s 1915? Rather than a top-down, one-size-fits-all approach to education, schools need student-centered strategies to help learners reach their highest potential. Source Organization: Nellie Mae Education Foundation

The Connected Classroom: Understanding the Landscape of Technology for Student-Centered Learning

This report, published by the Nellie Mae Foundation and Parthenon-EY, assesses the education technology landscape and pinpoints the needs of education practitioners pursuing student-centered learning practices. Across the country, educators and leaders have adopted, adapted, created and implemented a broad range of technology supports to help deepen student-centered learning opportunities. Source Organization: Nellie Mae Education… Read More ›

Effective Schools for Deeper Learning: An Exploratory Study

This report proposes one strategy by which to strengthen the nascent research base on deeper learning’s implications for high school improvement. Specifically, it describes an exploratory study designed to test the idea that a particular kind of whole-school assessment, involving site visits by teams of trained observers, can provide useful data about students’ opportunities for… Read More ›

Deeper Teaching

In this paper, Magdalene Lampert provides a close, detailed description of “deeper teaching,” referring to the kinds of instructional strategies and moment-by-moment teaching decisions that enable students to learn deeply. She concludes by describing the kinds of early-career guidance and support that teachers will need in order to understand what deeper teaching entails and put… Read More ›

Practical Learning Research for the Math Classroom

Join the Future of Education for a webinar on Thursday, December 3, from 7:00 – 8:00 pm US-EST, looking at the latest research in learning science and why it matters to math teachers. How can we take the research about teaching and learning and translate it into practice? What are: “framing,” the “growth mindset,” the “testing… Read More ›