The Motivation Equation: Designing Motivation into Student-Centered Learning

The Motivation Equation: Designing Lessons that Set Kids’ Minds on Fire takes that work another big step. Using a lively multimedia platform, Cushman brings the actual work of teachers, the feedback of students, and the commentary of learning scientists to describe how—and why—high motivation and academic mastery develop in the classroom. Guided by an “actual… Read More ›

The Rise of K-12 Blended Learning: Profiles of Emerging Models

This report provides an overview of emerging blended and online learning models and includes profiles of forty K-12 schools using a range of blended models or have plans to blend online learning with brick and mortar classrooms. It offers a definition of blended learning developed by the Christensen Institute (formerly Innosight Institute) and Michael Horn.… Read More ›

Spotlight: The Changing State of Assessments

This article addresses how formative assessments support teaching and learning as well as how testing is changing in the common-core era. Additionally, it provides arguments on key factors needed to build high-quality assessments. This is a fee-based resource. Source Organization: Education Week VISIT THE RESOURCE

The Courage to Confront Equity Issues in Competency Education

This article discusses the importance of maintaining conversations about equity as the field moves towards more learner-centered models. It makes compelling arguments for thinking about and working to alleviate five key equity concerns: Keeping students in school Addressing inequity in educational/social capital Balancing personal choices and equity in the transition from high school to life Language as asset… Read More ›

Connected Learning Research Network

This interdisciplinary research network is dedicated to understanding the opportunities and risks for learning afforded by today’s changing media ecology, as well as building new learning environments that support effective learning and educational equity. The work of the network focuses on a model of connected learning — learning that is socially connected, interest-driven, and oriented towards… Read More ›


TERC is an independent, research-based organization dedicated to engaging and inspiring all students through stimulating curricula and programs designed to develop the knowledge and skills they need to ask questions, solve problems, and expand their opportunities. TERC’s mission is to improve mathematics and science education. TERC works at the frontiers of theory and practice to… Read More ›

The Role of Digital Technologies in Deeper Learning

To compete in today’s global, knowledge-based, innovation-centered economy, young people must go beyond a high school diploma and acquire not just academic knowledge, but cognitive, intrapersonal, and interpersonal capacities. That is, they must engage in deeper learning. As schools shift away from traditional education models in favor or providing deeper learning environments, they are required… Read More ›

Equity in Competency Education: Realizing the Potential, Overcoming the Obstacles

This second paper of Students at the Center’s Competency Education Research Series examines equity concerns in competency education through the lens of family income, exploring the effects and implications, as well as proposing potential mitigations. Equity is both a central goal and a fundamental value of competency education. Competency-based approaches are designed to promote equity… Read More ›

A New Era for Educational Assessment – Policy Bulletin

This policy bulletin is based on A New Era for Educational Assessment, published by Students at the Center. The report was funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Among education researchers, there is a growing consensus that college and career readiness depends on not just academic knowledge and skills but on a wide range… Read More ›

A New Era for Educational Assessment

Among education researchers, there is a growing consensus that college and career readiness depends on not just academic knowledge and skills but on a wide range of social and developmental competencies, as well—such as the ability to monitor one’s own learning, persist at challenging tasks, solve complex problems, set realistic goals, and communicate effectively in… Read More ›