Flipped Learning Letter to Parents

Revere High School offers resources for flipped learning which includes a letter that can introduce parents to the flipped classroom approach. Revere High School implemented flipped learning during the 2013-2014 school year. Through flipped learning, teachers and students work together so that students will obtain skills needed to be prepared for college and careers of the 21st… Read More ›

Cognitive Media Analysis of Skills and Learning

This report from the FrameWorks Institute’s Core Story on Education Project analyzes and identifies media frames regarding skills and learning. The report finds that skills and knowledge are narrowly framed in mainstream news outlets. Media coverage typically presents skills acquisition in individual economic or financial terms, focuses primarily on cognitive skills, and neglects the importance… Read More ›

Mapping the Gaps on Assessment

This report from the Frameworks Institute’s Core Story of Education Project outlines comparative results from a series of parallel interviews with experts and members of the public. The results show major gaps between how these two populations understand and think about student assessment. Source Organization: FrameWorks Institute VISIT THE RESOURCE

The Art and Science of Designing Competencies

This brief details what makes a “good” competency and how education leaders and reformers can begin thinking about, designing, and implementing competency-based education. Source Organization: competency Works VISIT THE RESOURCE

Steps toward Valuing Education

This interactive, multimedia report summarizes the results of a quantitative experiment on the effects of values, or specific reframing tools, on the issues of skills and learning, learning time, and assessment. Source Organization: FrameWorks Institute VISIT THE RESOURCE

Leadership in Action: What are Professional Learning Communities?

This issue brief from the New England Secondary School Consortium’s Leadership in Action series outlines why professional learning communities may be the most effective, affordable, and sustainable school improvement strategy around. Source Organization: New England Secondary School Consortium (NESSC) Visit the Resource


Newsela is an innovative way to build reading comprehension with nonfiction that’s always relevant: daily news. Newsela makes it easy for an entire class to read the same content, but at a level that’s just right for each student, keeps students engaged with Common Core aligned quizzes that test critical thinking and close reading, automatically… Read More ›

Student-Centered Schools: Closing the Opportunity Gap Research Brief

Student-Centered Schools: Closing the Opportunity Gap documents the practices and outcomes of four urban high schools that, through student-centered approaches, are preparing their students for success in college, career, and life by providing them with the building blocks of knowledge and skills they will need as adults. Source Organization: SCOPE VISIT THE RESOURCE

Personalization vs. Differentiation vs. Individualization Chart

This chart helps clarify the differences between the terms “personalization,” “differentiation,” and “individualization.” “Personalization” is learner-centered. The other two, “differentiation” and “individualization” are teacher-centered. “Personalization” or Personalized Learning means the learner is driving his/her learning. When the learner takes responsibility for his/her learning, teaching and learning changes. The roles of the teacher and learner change.… Read More ›

Quality Performance Assessment: Harnessing the Power of Teacher and Student Learning

Standardized testing is just one form of assessment available to districts and schools. To generate a robust portrait of students’ achievement, policymakers and educators should consider quality performance assessments that measure mastery rather than memorization. This 2012 report offers a definition for performance assessment and details examples of schools using these systems. The authors provide… Read More ›