Equity by Design in Learning Technologies

This report looks at equity in access to and application of new technologies that support learning. The report is a synthesis of in-depth conversations at a convening of leading researchers, educators, and technologists. It outlines the challenges and explores how learning technologies can provide the greatest benefits for the most vulnerable learners. This podcast provides… Read More ›


In this podcast, eight student interns report stories from inside New York City’s segregated high school system. From the extreme lack of diversity in specialized high schools to racial disparities in sports access, the team is looking into the policies that maintain a dual system. This episode, the introduction to Season 2 features two students… Read More ›

How Podcasts Can Improve Literacy

This article, written by a veteran educator, describes how podcasts can be used as a strategy to boost literacy. This teacher found that listening to podcasts and ready transcripts helped English Language Learners is his class, and that all his students benefited. Bringing podcasts and transcripts into the classroom is also an easy and low-cost… Read More ›

Learning Strategies as Metacognitive Factors: A Critical Review

This report provides an introduction to learning strategies. In many student-centered classrooms the use of “learning strategies” to support student growth and learning is replacing the practice of teaching to different “learning styles”. This report looks at metacognitive learning strategies, self-regulatory strategies, and task-oriented techniques. It discusses how to develop these in the classroom. It… Read More ›

Case Study: Lindsay High School Transforms Learning for English Language Learners with Personalized, Competency-Based Education in California

This article features Lindsay High School, which implemented a competency-based education model that focuses on advancing student mastery and student agency. In addition, this resource contains the links to a series of blogs that highlight different promising practices for teaching and learning for ELLs. Each case study addresses core principles for next-generation learning for ELL… Read More ›

Student Goal Setting: An Evidence-Based Practice

The Midwest Comprehensive Center at American Institutes for Research, with the help of What Works Clearinghouse House reviewers, has released a new resource on student goal setting to support state departments of education who are interested in promoting evidence-based personalized and deeper learning strategies by districts/schools in their states. The act of goal setting is a… Read More ›

Designing Engaging Assignments

This resource aims to help teachers design engaging assignments that can challenge students in innovative ways. Beth Pandolpho shares three suggestions to make assignments more dynamic at school in order to provide deeper learning and keep students more engaged. The three suggestions to help students understand the value of the work they do are: Provide… Read More ›

6 Steps to Ensuring ILPs Better Support Inclusive Personalized Learning

In this article, authors Ace Parsi and Curtis Richards highlight the importance of individualized learning plans (ILPs) to increase engagement in school, especially for students with disabilities. Research shows that when implemented well, ILPs can lead to stronger academic goal-setting, self-efficacy, and motivation. The authors recommend the following key actions to ensure students with disabilities fully… Read More ›

Creating a Welcoming & Inclusive Community For All

This document, created by Magnolia Montessori For All Schools in Austin, TX, is an excellent example of a school’s effort to codify their commitment to teaching students to value their identity, respect diversity, understand justice, and take action to fight bias and discrimination. The school went through a process to articulate their values and assemble… Read More ›

Courageous Conversations About Race in Schools

These short videos are designed to prompt a deeper, more authentic discussion about issues of racial equity in schools. State Teachers of the Year and other educators at the 2017 National Teacher Leadership Conference, speak candidly about equity, sharing their experiences and ideas on how to move forward. The videos are accompanied by discussion guides… Read More ›

Students LEAD

This online course was designed for high school students by the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at NC State University to help them understand and advocate for their own learning needs.  Specifically, the course will help students: Understand their own learning and learning differences Develop and apply strategies to strengthen their own learning Gain strategies for… Read More ›

Disengagement Problems Disguised as Discipline Problems

In this article, a long-time principal discusses her school’s work to decrease behavior incidents by increasing student engagement. The school created an Incident Reduction Plan which included efforts to deescalate incidents as well identify and change punitive policies and practices that inadvertently contributed to incidents. The staff recognized that many incidents were the result of… Read More ›