Francis Pina Interview

This podcast features an interview with Francis Pina, a Boston native and math teacher at Charlestown High school. He shares his experiences in the Boston Public Schools (BPS) and his journey to become a teacher. He discusses how he implements a creative, engaging, and student-centered math curriculum for a diverse student population. He also looks… Read More ›

A Year Of Love And Struggle In A New High School

Too many young, black men struggle in America’s education system. Washington D.C. is trying to do something about it with a new, boys-only high school. NPR’s Cory Turner and Education Week’s Kavitha Cardoza spent hundreds of hours there, reporting on the birth of a school built on one word: Love. Code Switch, an NPR podcast,… Read More ›

How one Chicago high school turned the corner using full-time internships

This article highlights the intensive internship program at Chicago Technology Academy. The school, which serves predominantly minority students from low-income families, has committed to month-long, full-time internships for all seniors as part of its turnaround efforts focused on project-based learning. The article discusses the academic and social emotional benefits to students who can build confidence,… Read More ›

How Tech Can Help Students with Disabilities Thrive in STEM Education

This article highlights advice from educators on the best ways to support students with disabilities through technology. It focuses on the power of technology to adapt and personalize experiences in STEM fields to provide all students access to the same topics, skills, and experiences in science, math, and technology. Educators can apply the advice from… Read More ›

Getting to Know Students Deeply

This blog explores ways to use student voice as a form of data to help improve culturally responsive teaching practices. The author poses the question, “how do we know we’re culturally responsive if we’re not listening to our students?”. She details 6 ways to collect valuable information from students including: one-on-one interviews, focus groups, feedback… Read More ›

Personalized Learning for All: Actions for States to Make Aspirations a Reality

This report by the National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD) looks at the potential of large scale shifts to personalized learning for students with disabilities. Based on interview with close to 100 leaders in Colorado, New Hampshire, and North Carolina, including expert practitioners, researchers, policy leaders, parents, and others, NCLD identified benefits and associated challenges… Read More ›

Meriden Public Schools

This is the official website of the Meriden, Connecticut, public schools and the City of Meriden Board of Education. Parents, family members, students, staff, and the public can use this site as an informative online resource for information on all schools, specific departments of the BOE, and other valuable resources. Several schools within this district… Read More ›

How Maker Mindsets Can Be An Easy Fit For Rural Schools

This article explores how rural schools are adapting to the maker movement in ways that are unique to their rural environments. The blog highlights maker projects – like building air sensors to help assess and ultimately alleviate air pollution in a town in rural Montana–that can be adapted in other schools, or used to spark… Read More ›

High-Impact Strategies to Provide Access to All Students

This article offers practical strategies for creating an educational environment that embraces the ideas of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). UDL is a research based framework that provides more flexible and broad learning options to give all students, especially those with disabilities, access to important learning experiences. The author offers teaching strategies with varied examples,… Read More ›