Blended Learning Universe

Developed by the Clayton Christensen Institute, a nonprofit think tank working to improve education, healthcare, and global prosperity through innovation, this website showcases blended learning resources. It features basics on blended learning and related instructional models, including videos and examples in action, tips and resources to take a school step-by-step through planning and research publications.… Read More ›

From Disruption Comes Change: Nurturing Sociopolitical Action with Youth

Hosted by Dr. Alfredo Palacios from the College of Education at Auburn University, the Theory of Change podcast is for counselors and counselor educators who are looking for inspiration and resources pertaining to the profession of counseling.   In this episode of the podcast, Dr. Carlos Hipolito-Delgado, an associate professor of counseling at the University of Colorado Denver, and a Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative grantee, discusses his research on sociopolitical… Read More ›

4 Common Barriers to Accessible Content for all Students

Whenever educators are delivering new content online is is important that all students, including those with disabilities, can access the materials. While most learning management systems (LMS) and software programs provide some accessibility compliance checking, they sometimes make mistakes or miss important considerations. This article offers clear, specific advice teachers can use to review the… Read More ›

Bridging Digital Divides Between Schools and Communities

The paper looks at the gap between internet connectivity at schools and within under-resourced, low-income communities, which is often referred to as the homework divide. The author looks at data collected from schools in two different cities—Marion, Alabama, and Phoenix, Arizona, where access at school is high due to participation in the ConnectED initiative, a… Read More ›

How Will Schools Provide Special Education During the Coronavirus Crisis?

This article looks at the challenge districts are facing to provide special education services and equitable access to learning during school closures due to COVID-19. It dives into the dilemma administrators across the nation are facing trying to interpret and adhere to federal policies and discusses how different districts have responded. While it cannot provide… Read More ›

14 Tips For Helping Students With Limited Internet Have Distance Learning

This article is full of strategies and tips to help make distance learning work for students with limited internet access during this time of school closures due to COVID-19. It provides specific, practical tips for working with students who only have cellphones and limited data or internet plans to complete school work. It includes advice… Read More ›

COVID-19 Racial Equity & Social Justice Resources

This portion of the Racial Equity Tools website was put together to help community leaders address the COVID-19 pandemic with social justice and equity lens. It features links to resources on analysis of the big picture, community care, organizing and solidarity, resource building and rapid response and virtual work and engagement. It also includes links… Read More ›

How the #DisruptTexts Movement Can Help English Teachers Be More Inclusive

This article features advice from the founders of the #DisruptTexts Twitter chats and website who are working to help other English Language Arts teachers create equitable and inclusive curriculum. Through weekly twitter posts and a moderated online discussion, they encourage teachers to reflect and consider the message their choice of texts sends to students about whose voices and… Read More ›

Making SEL Culturally Competent

This article provides strategies for educators to ensure social-emotional learning (SEL) practices are enacted in ways that are culturally responsive and equitable for youth. In particular, it introduces the concept of critical consciousness, which refers to youths’ ability to recognize and resist oppressive forces shaping their lives and communities. Any educator of any grade-level can… Read More ›

How Can Your Schools Recruit and Retain More Black Teachers?

This article provides an overview of a report focused on recruiting and retaining black male teachers. The report, “Having Our Say: Examining Career Trajectories of Black Male Educators in P-12 Education,” was written by The National Network of State Teachers of the Year and the University of Phoenix. This article summarizes several of the report’s… Read More ›

Culturally Responsive Schools

This issue of ASCD Express focuses on ways to build culturally responsive schools. It features articles on several related topics including the importance of understanding students’ home culture, relevant lessons from the historical study of black academic excellence, and steps school leaders can take to encourage equity school-wide. It also showcases a video on supporting… Read More ›