
In this podcast, eight student interns report stories from inside New York City’s segregated high school system. From the extreme lack of diversity in specialized high schools to racial disparities in sports access, the team is looking into the policies that maintain a dual system. This episode, the introduction to Season 2 features two students… Read More ›

Envisioning the Graduate of the Future

This course was developed by MIT with support from the XQ Institute, to help school communities rethink what a high school graduate will need to know and be able to do. The course will explore how to design a graduate profile, the artifact that communicates these ideas. Making explicit the capabilities, knowledge, and attitudes graduates need and… Read More ›

Resources for Creating a School Culture of Empathy, Inclusion and Kindness

This tool offers lessons, activities, classroom tools, and more to help students learn about character strengths. In response to gun violence in schools, many educators asked for resources to support students’ social and emotional development. A positive school climate can support academic gains in addition to increased well being and sense of belonging. This list… Read More ›

From Vision to Reality: Personalized, Competency-Based Learning for All Kids

This report was written to help school districts take steps toward personalized, competency-based learning, and equip leaders with the following support to do this critical work. The report includes: Rationale for making the case for personalized, competency-based learning, including what it means and resources to support conversations in a learning community Guidance on crafting a… Read More ›

Performance Assessment Resource Bank

The Performance Assessment Resource Bank works to help states integrate performance assessments into their systems of assessment, develop the capacity of educators to effectively use performance assessment, and design policies to support these efforts. Their website features a large database that will be of interest to both educators and state leaders. Resources include: Over 500 K-12 performance… Read More ›

Innovative Assessments: Widening the Horizon

In this blog article, the Innovation Program Manager at The Council of Chief State School Officers explores the opportunities under ESSA for states to innovate their assessment programs. In particular the author looks at innovations in summative assessments such as the use of performance assessments as part of a state’s summative assessment system and the establishment… Read More ›

Restorative Justice: Resources for Schools

This resource page focuses on restorative justice practices. This student-centered approach to discipline moves away from punitive zero tolerance discipline policies and gives students more agency and responsibility for their actions. Restorative justice can contribute to a positive school climate and build students’ social and emotional skills. This resource page provides a clear definition, case… Read More ›

Kettle Moraine’s Approach to Personalized Learning

This series of articles provides an in-depth look at how personalization works in Kettle Moraine School District in Wisconsin. Articles cover the history of the shift to personalized learning in the district, pillars of teaching and learning, professional development for teachers, and distributed leadership, amongst other topics. Read all together, these articles provide a look… Read More ›

ESSA and Personalized Learning: State by State

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides states with significant flexibility to advance personalized learning and improve equitable outcomes for students. This resource highlights emerging ideas as states leverage this flexibility through their implementation plans. The interactive map shows states that have released their plans for public comment and provides a summary of the personalized… Read More ›

State Strategies to Develop Teacher Capacity for Personalized, Competency-Based Learning

This issue brief outlines state policy recommendations and action steps to modernize educator preparation and development systems to bring student-centered learning environments to scale. To transform the K-12 education system, states must build teacher capacity for personalized, competency-based education. This brief highlights four strategies for states and school districts to prepare teachers with the skills… Read More ›

Model Schools, Districts, Networks and States for Competency-Based Education

This article catalogues successful competency education models on many scales. It provides links to schools, both district-based and charter; districts; learning networks; and states implementing competency-based learning. The list of state’s implementing wider scale mastery-based systems include links to documents detailing lessons learned. Local and state education leaders, researchers, and policy-makers could use these lists… Read More ›

Quality Counts 2018

Every year, Education Week releases a Quality Counts report which examines state-level efforts to improve public education and pulls together a large number of statistics to create a picture of progress in each state. To provide a more in-depth look, Education Week will now provide this data in three reports rolled out over the course of the year. The first,… Read More ›