Growing Into The Framework: A District’s CBE Implementation Strategy

This article shares five phases of implementation of competency-based education, using the Mesa County Valley School District 51‘s (D51) first year of implementation to illustrate the process. The phases include: Laying the foundation Supporting effective practices Building performance-based system Beginning personalized learning Refining our system Information tables include detailed steps to achieve the phase and outline what needs… Read More ›

Proficiency-Based Learning Simplified

This toolkit provides support for schools looking to transition to a proficiency-based system. It focuses on the development of efficient standards-based systems that will prepare all students for success in colleges, careers, and communities of the 21st century. The toolkit outlines 10 key components of an efficient proficiency-based system and introduces the Proficiency-Based Learning Simplified… Read More ›

Let’s Celebrate Personalization: But Not Too Fast

This article, from Educational Leadership Magazine, is an illuminating probe to reassesses what personalized learning truly means. It discusses what a shift to personalization will actually take in terms of mindsets, resources and time.  It explores provoking questions such as: How will old and new paradigms coexist? What supports will teachers need? What aspects of your educational… Read More ›

The Student-Centered Learning Fact Sheet Series

These four Student-Centered Learning Fact Sheets discuss RI state policies that support and/or limit the spread of student-centered learning practices, highlight best practices, and provide recommendations for expanding and strengthening student-centered learning in RI. Each of the four fact sheets aligns with each of the principles of student-centered learning outlined in the Students at the Center framework:… Read More ›

RI Personalized Learning Initiative

The Rhode Island (RI) Personalized Learning Initiative was launched in September 2016 by the Rhode Island Office of Innovation with the Rhode Island Department of Education, Highlander Institute, and other partners. It supports educators and administrators statewide in the development, piloting, and growth of new models for personalized learning; and facilitates the sharing of best practices and… Read More ›

Leading for Equity: Opportunities for State Education Chiefs

This report from The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and The Aspen Education & Society Program outlines concrete steps states can take to support equity in education. After short sections on the definition of equity and the reasons it matters, the guide lays out ten steps state education agencies can take. These recommendations… Read More ›

Maine: Making the Most of High-Leverage Strategies

This article provides an overview of the progress the state of Maine has made towards competency education. It outlines the steps taken to build school capacity and public and policy support for student-centered education. These steps resulted in the 2012 passage of Act LD1422, which requires districts to begin awarding proficiency-based diplomas. It reviews the implementation timeline… Read More ›

Making Learning Personal for All: The Growing Diversity in Today’s Classroom

The report makes the case for the need to shift to personalized learning to serve growing numbers of diverse learners. It asserts that current models that drive personalization are often overly simplistic and not based on research. The report expresses concern that these over-simplified models risk driving personalization in a way that actually perpetuates achievement gaps… Read More ›

See How States Plan to Approach Equity

This article summarizes recommendations from the report “Leading For Equity: Opportunities for State Education Chiefs”, released by The Council of Chief State School Officers and the Aspen Institute Education and Society Program. The recommendations were created by state chiefs, district leaders, civil rights advocates, and other stakeholders.  The article outlines 10 areas state leaders can focus on to… Read More ›

Research Collaborative Seminar: Encouraging and Sustaining Competency-Based Learning Environments

The January installment of the Research Collaborative Seminar series features Paul Leather, former New Hampshire Deputy Commissioner of Education, Research Collaborative advisor, and nationally renowned leader in student-centered reforms. His presentation, “Encouraging and Sustaining Competency-Based Learning Environments: Lessons from New Hampshire,” focuses on what works, and, just as importantly, what doesn’t work when implementing competency-based… Read More ›

CTE in High School: Does It Improve Student Outcomes?

In this article, researchers Shaun Dougherty and Dara Zeehandelaar describe results from their study showing positive outcomes for students who participated in Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. They note that CTE programs may increase student engagement by connecting learning at school with real world use. The article outlines some of the failures of older… Read More ›