Informing Progress Insights on Personalized Learning Implementation and Effects

This report and accompanying research brief, written by the RAND Corporation and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, synthesizes findings from a study of the personalized learning (PL) practices at schools in the  Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC)’s Breakthrough School Models program. Researchers identified the PL strategies used and implementation challenges faced by these schools… Read More ›

New Hampshire Teachers Build New Ways to Measure Deeper Learning

This article explores the successes of a pilot group of New Hampshire districts, as they move from standardized testing to a more performance-based assessment system. New Hampshire is at the forefront of moving schools to a competency-based model, and the article highlights the advantages for students and educators. The author shares classroom examples of project-based… Read More ›

Student-Centered Learning: Functional Requirements for Integrated Systems to Optimize Learning

This paper illustrates the technical requirements and functionalities that learning management systems need to shift toward student-centered instructional models. This comprehensive framework will help districts and schools determine what systems to use, and integrate, as they begin their journey toward student-centered learning. It also addresses how systems integration aligns with their organizational vision, educational goals,… Read More ›

Relationships First: Creating Connections that Help Young People Thrive

This report looks at the importance of building strong relationships to create a thriving student-centered culture. It includes an overview of the Search Institute’s Developmental Relationships Framework which defines the elements of an effective relationship, as well as the actions and dispositions adults should display, written from the student perspective. It examines results from a 2016… Read More ›

A Practical Guide to Personalization in a Standards-Based World

Often standards in education are seen as a roadblock to personalization. This article offers practical strategies for using essential questions to address standards and create personalization, with examples from varying grade levels and subjects. The author feels essential questions can provide more meaningful and personalized ways to connect students to the content. The article includes specific… Read More ›

Personalized Learning, the Navajo Way

This article, from the perspective of a principal, superintendent and mentor of indigenous schools for over forty years, looks at personalized learning and student choice with the lens of cultural responsiveness. The author describes personalization at STAR (Service To All Relations) School, a K-8 School in Navajo Nation, which is grounded in Navajo values with a keen… Read More ›

Next Generation Learning Models for English Language Learners: Promising Practices and Considerations for Teaching and Learning

This paper highlights trends to advance learning for English language learner (ELL) students. It outlines promising practices and considerations for designing ideal learning environments for ELL success and features case studies and examples from schools and programs creating personalized, competency-based learning environments for ELL students. This paper will interest educators and education leaders who want… Read More ›

How to Design a School That Prioritizes Kindness and Caring

This article shares the success story of Carrollwood Day School in Florida, chronicling the efforts of school leadership and students to make compassion a cornerstone of their educational model. With students at the helm, the school partnered with Harvard’s Making Caring Common project and started a series of small changes, such as a kindness initiative in… Read More ›

Welcoming Schools Starter Kit

This brief, Welcoming Schools: An Inclusive Approach to Addressing Family Diversity, Gender Stereotyping and Name-Calling outlines a comprehensive, LGBTQ-inclusive approach to creating respectful and supportive elementary schools for all students and their families. Developed by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, it includes many resources, tips, and strategies such as: A checklist for a welcoming and inclusive… Read More ›

Personalized Learning with Matt and Courtney

This podcast is hosted by Courtney, a K-12 instructional coach in Maine, and Matt, a district administrator and former math teacher. They explore the dos and don’ts of learner-centered proficiency-based education in personable, plain, jargon-free language and offer practical advice from practitioners to practitioners. In the first episode, they lay out some basics for the… Read More ›

Unleashing the Instructional Leadership of Librarians to Foster Future Ready Schools

This framework was created to detail the invaluable role of librarians and outline how schools can better harness their skills and knowledge to transform learning for students. The framework, developed by Future Ready Schools, focuses on librarians’ role in the development of 21st century schools that use research-based digital strategies to build personalized learning environments. The framework is… Read More ›

Scaffolding Grit

This article makes the case for rethinking ideas about grit and growth mindsets in the classroom. “Grit”, made popular in the education realm by Angela Duckworth’s research, in simple terms means the perseverance of effort over the long-term. The author makes the argument that everyone has the potential to be “gritty”, but it must be cultivated… Read More ›