6 Lessons Our District Learned from Our Move to Blended Learning

This article provides very practical advice for districts beginning blended learning initiatives. It pulls from the experiences of Temple Independent School District (ISD) in TX. Staff from the district detail the lessons they learned as they rolled out the initiative after a smaller two year pilot in which 13 teachers learned to leverage technology to… Read More ›

Work-Based Learning: A Systemic Approach

This video, and the accompanying article, introduce the work-based learning taking place in the East Side Union High School District in San Jose, CA. Over the past five years, this district has implemented Linked Learning Pathways that combine rigorous academics with engaging technical and career-based education. The video provides a real-world look at the work-based learning students… Read More ›

Six Strategic Steps to Digital Learning Success

This practical article provides advice for school and district leaders looking to harness the power of digital learning. It includes six key tips to help leaders avoid pitfalls and ensure technology is used in a way that will support high quality student-centered learning. The authors place particular emphasis on keeping big picture goals in mind… Read More ›

A Teacher-Centric Approach to PD

This article takes a close look at how the Kettle Moraine School District implements a professional development system based on earning micro-credentials. This approach puts teachers in charge of what they are learning. The article provides advice and paints a picture of the logistical process that must be in place to support this type of… Read More ›

Portfolios Boost Assessment Relevancy for Truly Transformative Learning

This opinion article makes a strong case for states to adopt portfolios as part of their assessment programs. The article provides a good overview of the advantages of using student portfolios as assessment. The author outlines how portfolios can focus on learning rather than completion, asses in more individualized ways to decrease racial and socio-economic… Read More ›

3 Lessons from Students about Improving School Culture

This article describes the Youth Leadership Program developed at Vestavia Hills High School in Birmingham, Alabama to improve school climate and culture. The school committed to putting students in the drivers seat as well as ensuring the program was for all students not just a subsection of the traditionally most successful. School staff share the… Read More ›

Being Wrong Has Made Me a Better Teacher

In this blog article from Education Week Teacher  a middle school language arts teacher and curriculum coach discusses how she embraces mistakes. This veteran explores how she has grown in her understanding of her own teaching practices. She describes how she now looks for and relishes in mistakes and turns them into powerful learning experiences, using… Read More ›

7 Ways to Spark Engagement

This practical article looks at student engagement. It discusses the importance of sparking curiosity to engage students in learning. The article includes many tips to spark engagement in the classroom, such as using puzzles and introducing controversy. This article is full of ideas for classroom teachers of any subject, especially high school educators. Source Organization:… Read More ›

Could Giving Parents Homework Help Students?

This article describes a pilot program to include families in student’s learning conducted by the nonprofit, PowerMyLearning, at South Bronx Preparatory. Once every one to two weeks teachers assign family playlists, homework that includes two project-based activities, one for the student and another in which the student teaches the concept to a family member. This… Read More ›

Making Dream Group Work an Everyday Reality

Ask math teachers what their ideal classroom looks and sounds like, and they will probably tell you about that one magical unicorn lesson where students worked collaboratively in groups and engaged in authentic mathematical debates that led to deeper learning for all. What is so special about those elusive lessons where group work…well, worked? And how… Read More ›