Measuring What Really Matters

This article proposes the improvement of state accountability systems through the use of performance assessments. They conclude that unlike multiple choice tests, performance assessments can thoroughly asses the Common Core State Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards which require demonstration of more complex thinking and reasoning skills. The authors also explore the technical quality, practical,… Read More ›

Student-Centered Learning: It Starts With the Teacher

This blog post explores the role of teachers in creating a student-centered classroom. The author discusses the shift from a directive to a consultative classroom and explores several key steps including allowing students to share in decision-making, believing in students’ capacity to lead, recognizing students need for learning that is tied to their real-world experiences, and giving up… Read More ›

Talk to Teachers: Students Share How and Why They’d Change Education

This article describes a lesson in persuasive writing for high school juniors developed by an Oakland, California teacher. After studying an historic essay written by James Baldwin, students were asked to write persuasive essays detailing how they feel education could be changed to better fit their needs. The article links to audio files of six… Read More ›

To Reform a Struggling High School, try this Rhode Islander’s Approach

This article describes the work of Principal Alan Tenreiro to turn around Cumberland High School in Cumberland, Rhode Island, improving school culture, student achievement, and teacher professional development. His approach included blended learning, personalization, and commitment to the common core standards. Alan Tenreiro was named the 2016 National Principal of the Year by the National… Read More ›

Keeping the Focus on Learning in a Tech-Rich Classroom

This article provides concrete steps to keep learning at the center such as dressing learning goals first, scaffolding learning, and assessing content not product. In a proficiency-based classroom, technology is often used to help students demonstrate mastery of a skill or concept. However, in some cases students and educators can get caught up in the excitement… Read More ›

Searching for Clarity on Formative Assessment

This article explores the various definitions of formative assessment in the field and the impact of differing understanding of the term on practice. The author asserts that while everyone agrees on its power to provide information about what students are learning in the moment,”beyond that it gets fuzzy, fast”. The article also includes links to many… Read More ›

Pittsfield Summer Academies Embrace Learning Outside of the Classroom

  Ross Morse, the Community Liaison for Pittsfield School District, shares his involvement as a member of the Design Team for the Pittsfield Summer Academies. Be sure to also read our “Applying the Framework” summary that connects Ross’ story to the Students at the Center Framework.   As part of our student-centered district approach, Pittsfield… Read More ›

Students at the Center Hub Recommends: Smart Parents

The Students at the Center Hub team occasionally finds something that makes our lives much easier: a fantastic resource aligned with our framework, that we consider a go-to for a large portion of our audience. Smart Parents, a blog series on the site Getting Smart, provides people invested in their children’s education with a series… Read More ›

Deeper Learning and Equity: Two New Resources

Originally posted on Education Week’s blog on November 6, 2015  A year and a half ago, in a post to this blog, Jal Mehta made the memorable assertion that “deeper learning has a race problem.” Judging by who attends its conferences and teaches and studies at its exemplary schools, he notes, the deeper learning movement… Read More ›

Teen Summit & the Clubhouse Network: An Educator’s Perspective

Since 2002, The Clubhouse Network hosts a Teen Summit where youth from over 90 member Clubhouses in 19 countries around the world come together and engage in person around their potential to change the world. Each standalone Clubhouse provides a free, creative, and safe out-of-school learning environment where young people from underserved communities work with… Read More ›

Voices on Policy to Promote College and Career Readiness

Originally posted on Education Week’s blog on November 4, 2015. In October, Jobs for the Future’s Students at the Center initiative hosted Turning the Corner, a convening of researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and other influential figures from across the education world. We asked participants to discuss a couple of questions in particular: As the No Child… Read More ›