Restorative Justice: Resources for Schools

This resource page focuses on restorative justice practices. This student-centered approach to discipline moves away from punitive zero tolerance discipline policies and gives students more agency and responsibility for their actions. Restorative justice can contribute to a positive school climate and build students’ social and emotional skills. This resource page provides a clear definition, case… Read More ›

Frequently Asked Questions About Competency-Based Education

This resource was designed to help district and school leaders communicate effectively about personalized learning with a variety of stake holders in many different settings. It provides answers in plain language to a a list of commonly asked questions such as: Will students spend their whole day on a tablet or computer? What role does… Read More ›

Students LEAD

This online course was designed for high school students by the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at NC State University to help them understand and advocate for their own learning needs.  Specifically, the course will help students: Understand their own learning and learning differences Develop and apply strategies to strengthen their own learning Gain strategies for… Read More ›

ESSA and Personalized Learning: State by State

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides states with significant flexibility to advance personalized learning and improve equitable outcomes for students. This resource highlights emerging ideas as states leverage this flexibility through their implementation plans. The interactive map shows states that have released their plans for public comment and provides a summary of the personalized… Read More ›

Education Week Spotlight on Formative Assessment

This collection of articles was selected by the Education Week editors to provide a range of insights on Formative Assessment. The articles cover topics such as: Improving on-the-spot assessments and instructional decisions in the classroom Creating opportunities for students to self-assess Using students’ formative data to create a dynamic learning environment How students can show evidence of learning Read… Read More ›

Universal Design Technology

John F. O’Sullivan is a Librarian, an Assistive Technology Specialist at Chelmsford High School, and an author of several books on educational technology. This resource is a detailed catalog of educational and assistive technology divided by categories. These include apps and other resources to support: Note-Taking Memory Special Education Occupational Therapy Speech and Language Augmentative… Read More ›

Visible Thinking Resources

lightbulb and crumpled paper showing a creative idea

This article, When Kids Have Structure for Thinking, Better Learning Emerges, looks deeply at how to best teach students about metacognition. It underscores the importance of thinking structures which, with continued use, provide concrete strategies to build thinking skills while deepening content learning. The article discusses work done by the Harvard Graduate School of Education Project Zero, which conducts… Read More ›

Up Close and Personal: Chronicling Learning Practices Across the Nation

This website from EdSurge showcases stories illustrating what personalized learning looks like in practice in schools across the country. The site houses a collection of hundreds of stories, profiles, and lessons learned. This research enables insights into how schools and districts across the country think about personalized learning, from visualizing change to opening pathways to… Read More ›

Learning Accelerator’s Practices at Work: Blended & Personalized Learning

The Blended and Personalized Learning Practices at Work site, managed by The Learning Accelerator, is a collection of free, practical strategies and resources to help schools implement blended and personalized learning. The Learning Accelerator is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing blended learning. The organization works to  bring together communities of learners and document and share strategies to… Read More ›

CoSN Empowered Superintendents Resources

Through the Empowered Superintendents initiative, The Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) collaborates with superintendents to assess their challenges and increase their capacities to lead technology efforts to support student learning. The Superintendents Toolkit  is a guide to support leadership in the digital age. It includes two modules, one which examines 5 key roles superintendents must address to… Read More ›

Student-Centered Learning Course Syllabus

Newsflash: Teachers are learners! Yet, the strategies we use to help teachers innovate their practices often get in the way of learning. It’s as if we’re still operating according to the old, tired adage: “Do as I say, not as I do.” To optimize teacher learning and magnify educators’ impact in the classroom, we need to start with the… Read More ›