The Seven Principles for Inclusive Education

This framework outlines seven principles that can serve as a foundation for teacher training and professional development focused on equity. The framework was developed by Tanenbaum, an organization that works to combat religious discrimination and hate. It comes in both a two-page, and an in-depth format filled with strategies and suggestions. Some of the principles include: How… Read More ›

Unleashing the Instructional Leadership of Librarians to Foster Future Ready Schools

This framework was created to detail the invaluable role of librarians and outline how schools can better harness their skills and knowledge to transform learning for students. The framework, developed by Future Ready Schools, focuses on librarians’ role in the development of 21st century schools that use research-based digital strategies to build personalized learning environments. The framework is… Read More ›

The Importance of Modeling Student-Centered Professional Learning

Creating student-centered learning environments is no easy task. Teachers often do not receive enough quality professional learning to provide them with the time to design student-centered learning environments. The major difficulties are that they lack the opportunity to actively provide choice and voice in their school systems and they are put under too much pressure… Read More ›

Goodbye ABCs: How One State is Moving Beyond Grade Levels and Graded Assessments

This article explores the No Grades, No Grades (NG2) program in New Hampshire, where seven elementary schools are participating in a pilot, slowly moving away from both traditional age-based grouping of students into grades and assessment based on letter grades. Instead the schools are embracing the following 6 tenets: project-based learning, learner agency, whole person development, blended learning… Read More ›

A School Leader’s Student-Centered Resources for Next Gen Educators (Part 3 of 3)

This is the third and final installment of our “Student-Centered Resources for Next Gen Educators” series. Be sure to check out part 1 and part 2. What does an actual school leader use to inform their work as they implement student-centered practices, instruction, and professional development for their staff? This Student-Centered Learning Podcast series gets to the heart… Read More ›

Big Bang: The International Conference on Student-Centered Learning

This conference is a convening of hundreds of educators, advocates, thought leaders from around the world, and students, focusing on student-centered learning. The organizers believe that in order to have discussions about the future of student-centered learning, it is essential that students themselves play a key role; not just as attendees, but as designers, presenters,… Read More ›

Hiring: The Very First Step to a Flourishing School Culture (Part 3 of 3)

Read part one and two of this series. My advice to those seeking to establish a thriving culture in their schools at the same time that they promote high academic achievement for our most underserved students: Hire well. Transforming the adult learning community isn’t all that difficult when you hire adults who aren’t afraid to be human with… Read More ›

The Crucial Factor in School Success is School Culture (Part 1 of 3)

Transforming schools: the key ingredient is right in front of us. School reform is more than incorporating tech tools, being competency-based, or implementing student-centered practices. It’s more than opening the walls or focusing on core competencies. School reform starts by transforming school culture, and reforms flourish when we allow adults to be creative and compassionate… Read More ›

Rethinking Use of Space and Time for Next Generation Schools

This article shares key tips and examples from Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC) and 2Revolutions Reimagining Space, Time and Staffing toolkit which includes strategies and resources from NGLC grantees on space and design, an often overlooked piece of the learning experience. It explores the importance of space to support personalized learning and the impact that classroom and… Read More ›

How Can We Increase Civic Engagement in the Era of Fake News and Social Media?

Recently, I had the pleasure of attending and presenting at Engaging Citizens: Civics Education and the New Political Landscape, a forum hosted by The Boston Foundation, to discuss the importance of civics education in Massachusetts. As the Director of the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning & Engagement (CIRCLE, Tisch College of Civic Life), my… Read More ›