Student Voice in Practice: Burlington High School Help Desk

The Burlington High School (BHS) Help Desk is the heart of the school’s Student Technology Innovation and Integration course. The semester-long course open to students in grades 10-12, provides a hands-on study of technology integration in an educational context. Students are required to assess technology problems submitted by fellow students and teachers and define the… Read More ›

Evaluating News and Other Sources

This resource combines the short online course, Evaluating News and Other Sources, designed to help older high school and college students understand and assess bias and evaluate sources, as well as an issue of the ASCD Express newsletter, Critical Literacy in the Age of Clickbait, focused on the same topics. Credo Education released its online micro course… Read More ›

Bronx Arena High School Multimedia Monograph

This multimedia monograph features Bronx Arena High School, an innovative, competency-based school serving historically marginalized youth in New York City. The school’s mission is to empower over-age under-credited students to graduate ready for college or a career. The multimedia monograph is an interactive case study that features video interviews with students and staff.  It brings… Read More ›

A Model For Student Voice

“When students are encouraged to think and learn outside the box, not only do they become more involved in their education, but they have a learning experience that creates change” — Jodie Woodruff, teacher at the MET School in Providence, RI. The above quote played over and over in my mind as I worked my way… Read More ›

What’s the Deal with Proficiency Based Learning?

This whiteboard presentation gives an excellent overview of proficiency-based learning for students, narrated by students. It outlines key reasons students should be excited about proficiency-based learning. The student narrators describe the benefits of a more accurate assessment system which recognizes failure as a step in the learning process, a personalized approach, and the ability to… Read More ›

Flexible Pathways to Graduation: Six Vermont High School Students

This video, created by UP for Learning as part of their Communicating School Redesign efforts (partnering with Ned),  features six Vermont high school students describing how they have used multiple pathways to personalize and direct their own learning. The students in the video are using a combination of community/work-based learning, virtual and blended learning, dual enrollment, early… Read More ›

Redesigning for Student Success: Student-Centered Secondary Schools Showcase

This student-centered professional development showcase brings together 20 of the nation’s most innovative and successful secondary schools from across the country, including schools in New England, to share their high school redesign programs and strategies. These schools have achieved success with diverse populations through the implementation of innovative, student-centered practices. The showcase will provide administrators,… Read More ›

Winooski Middle/High School Tackles Equity in Personalization

Lindsey Cox Headshot

As one of the schools participating in The Growing Equity Together Project, inspired by Sarah Bertucci’s Deeper Learning and Equity fellowship, we are nearing the end of our first continuous improvement cycle aimed at over time progressively supporting Winooski Middle/High School students in grades 6-9 to develop the confidence they need to be successful when… Read More ›

Starting Small and other Takeaways for Advancing Student-Centered Learning

Last week, I attended the Advancing Student-Centered Learning Forum in Devens, MA. This forum was hosted by the Rennie Center for Education Research & Policy. It provided a platform for school and education leaders to discuss the landscape of education in Massachusetts, and how educators with supportive policy can help students excel through personalized, student-centered… Read More ›

Internships Aren’t All About Careers

This blog post by Tristen Gamboa, a junior at High Tech High North County presents a student’s view of the internship experience, and his growing understanding of the concept of ‘deeper learning’. Tristen’s four week internship at the Center for Research on Equity & Innovation (CREI) influenced his thoughts about college readiness and his career path. He… Read More ›

Powerful Leaders: Reflections on Student Voice

I have always been interested in public policy and government. I grew up watching the news on Sunday mornings and every day after school. I always knew that I wanted to be involved and have a voice, and joining Young Voices gave me that opportunity. Young Voices, a Providence based-youth organizing group, trains young people… Read More ›