Ways to Combat Bias in Schools: A New Resource

Matt Leighninger and Nicole Cabral of Public Agenda will host this one-hour webinar where attendees will be armed with tips and strategies to facilitate safe, illuminating, and productive conversations on incidents of bias. They will pull from the newly-released discussion guide, “Addressing Incidents of Bias in Schools: A guide for preventing and reacting to discrimination… Read More ›

Strengthening Parent-Teacher Partnerships: Meeting Parents Where They Are

In this webinar, staff from Digital Promise’s Learner Variability Project will discuss ways in which  parents can be stronger partners with teachers, supporting classroom learning at home. Helping parents better understand their child’s skill level and become advocates for their academic success is key. Specifically presenters will share: Insights from national research revealing parental mindsets, concerns,… Read More ›

Pathways to Personalized Learning Summit

This free online summit sponsored by Education Week will investigate how the demand for personalized learning is shaping the direction of school districts around the country. Discussions will focus on the challenges that K-12 officials face in crafting customized academic approaches that work for teachers and students—and how district and school leaders choose strategies and… Read More ›

Agriculture Students Harness Innovation

This article looks at the reworking of one district’s agricultural program to incorporate more 21st century skills. Across the country instruction in many agricultural classes now emphasizes inquiry, project-based learning, and technology. Students are exposed to the fields of data science, genetics, biotechnology, robotics, veterinary science, and food science to prepare for careers of the… Read More ›

STEM for Social Justice

This issue of ASCDExpress pulls together many articles that look at STEM from a social justice lens. Together the articles provide many ideas for ways to encourage interest and provide more opportunities in STEM for youth typically underrepresented in these fields. Articles look at how to use mentorships and opportunities to explore real world problems to… Read More ›

How Teachers Designed a School Centered On Caring Relationships

This issue of the MindShift podcast and accompanying article features Social Justice Humanitas Academy, a district pilot school in Los Angeles, designed and run by teachers. Teachers identified the practices they knew helped students succeed. Supports include an advisory program, grade-level teaching teams, office hours, a high student-counselor ratio, and a fully integrated model for English… Read More ›

2019 LearnLaunch Across Boundaries Conference

The LearnLaunch Across Boundaries conference, now in its 7th year, brings together a community interested in driving innovation to transform learning and increase achievement using digital technologies. Educators, education administrators, entrepreneurs, investors, education companies, and technology innovators are all part of the community attending this yearly event. Participants will explore: The potential of technology to… Read More ›

Schools Out

This tool, created by five education leaders, takes the reader through a visualization exercise to explore what a totally new, learner-centered education experience could look like. Through accompanying study/discussion questions it pushes readers to consider how they might contribute to the development of young people in their own communities. This exercise could be used to… Read More ›

Apply Now: Students at the Center Distinguished Fellowship

JFF’s Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative will select six leaders who are currently serving as classroom educators or school administrators in the New England area to comprise its next cohort of Students at the Center Distinguished Fellows. Selected Fellows will receive a $10,000 stipend over the course of their tenure, as well as access to an “impact… Read More ›

The Better Math Teaching Network

The Better Math Teaching Network is a group of  researchers and practitioners looking to transform high school math instruction to become more student-centered. The network is committed to changing math instruction and professional development for math teachers. For a glimpse of the network in action, this article in MindShift discusses how algebra teachers in the network are using improvement… Read More ›