Constant Learning and Creative Response: Charting the Course in Personalized Learning

In this article, guest bloggers Janice Vargo and Mike Wolking from Education Elements discuss the ways their organization is helping districts measure success in implementing personalized learning. Education Elements, which provides consultation services to districts, has shifted its approach to evaluating progress to better mimic the personalized mindset they help schools enact and to embrace… Read More ›

How Teacher-Created Free Online Resources Are Changing the Classroom

In this blog post, Katrina Schwartz, a San Francisco-based journalist, explores why some teachers are putting down the textbooks and instead opting for teacher-created online resources to create personalized learning experiences in their classrooms. She reports on the work of two schools in California who have been creating teacher-designed curriculum using online open educational resources… Read More ›

The Design Thinking Toolkit for Educators

This toolkit, Design Thinking for Educators, introduces the concept of design thinking to help educators, school, and district leaders create impactful solutions to tough challenges. It outlines a process and method to approach problem solving and planning in an intentional and collaborative way. IDEO, a design firm, worked with Riverdale Country School, a Pre-K through… Read More ›

How to Help Principals Do a Better Job? Train Their Bosses

This article discusses the changing role and new demands on principals. Districts nationwide are trying to figure out how to better support principals on the job and improve their effectiveness. It also describes the work in Oakland, where consultants are training superintendents and other district administrators at the top to do a better job of… Read More ›

Career And Technical Education: Boom Or Bust?

This article discusses the history of Career and Technical Education (CTE) and the current debates around it through an interview with  Anthony Carnevale, Director of the Center on Education and the Workforce at Georgetown University. The interview explores the history of vocational and CTE in high schools as well as changes in the current economy and the… Read More ›

Personalizing 21st Century Education: A Framework for Student Success

This book, Personalizing 21st Century Education: A Framework for Student Success, begins with a manifesto for change, emphasizing the significance of true personalization for every learner. Next, it describes classroom, school, and system-level performance indicators that suggest personalization is alive and well. The authors also examines the historical origins of most modern school cultures—i.e., a… Read More ›

Connecting Ed and Tech: Partnering to Drive Student Outcomes

This case study describes the solution one charter school found to help scale up their personalized learning model through a unique partnership. Leadership Public Schools (LPS), a charter school management organization that operates high schools in the San Francisco Bay Area, has developed their own technology to support personalized learning which provided students with individual… Read More ›

Notes from the Field: Personalized Learning

This blog series was originally posted on August 31, 2016 by The Center for Reinventing Public Education (CRPE). Students at the Center Hub staff pulled blog quotes. In 2015, CRPE kicked off a multi-year, multi-method study of district and regional systemic efforts to support schools implementing personalized learning. Personalized learning (PL) is designed to tailor… Read More ›

Making Blended Work

This paper captures conversations on blended learning and presents actionable suggestions for districts to follow on their own paths to blended learning. The Center for Digital Education (CDE) called upon leading chief academic officers (CAOs) from across the country to weigh in on the state of blended learning today, as well as the challenges and… Read More ›

Rhode Island’s Young Voices for Education Reform

My passion for a good quality education started in middle school. I went to the Gordon School, a small private school in East Providence, Rhode Island, that really focused on putting students in the center of the classroom. As a quiet and timid student, my middle school teachers pushed me to raise my hand in… Read More ›

National Online Learning Day

National Online Learning Day showcases how students of all ages are thriving with the ability to learn online—anywhere, anytime. It seeks to cultivate awareness of, and support for, this ever-growing community of learners and to celebrate the future of online education—wherever technology and our imaginations take us! Join the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag… Read More ›

#NGLCChat on Project-Based Learning

Join NGLC staff, featured guests, and prominent national leaders to discuss project-based learning, Thursday, September 15 at  4pm PT/7 pm ET. See this link to view a recent twitter chat on Measures that Matter Most to give you a sense of our chats. We would like to invite you to participate in our upcoming chat… Read More ›