The MyWays Initiative

MyWays is an initiative of Next Generation Learning Challenge (NGLC). It is an effort to synthesize a broader, deeper definition of student success: success for learning, working, and living in the fast-changing world facing today’s youth. The initiative seeks to help school communities address big questions in education today by: Fully understanding why a changing world requires reimagining… Read More ›

How Can We Increase Civic Engagement in the Era of Fake News and Social Media?

Recently, I had the pleasure of attending and presenting at Engaging Citizens: Civics Education and the New Political Landscape, a forum hosted by The Boston Foundation, to discuss the importance of civics education in Massachusetts. As the Director of the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning & Engagement (CIRCLE, Tisch College of Civic Life), my… Read More ›

Blended Learning and Expanded Learning Time at Morton Middle School

This video, features interviews with students, teachers, and administrators from Morton Middle School in Fall River, MA discussing blended learning and an extended learning day. The video illustrates in-depth how math and ELA teacher teams have implemented a blended learning model, using station rotation and flexible grouping, within a 90 minute class period. Students discuss how the blended learning class has impacted… Read More ›

Technology in Education: An Overview

This brief from Education Week provides an overview of the big trends, opportunities, and concerns associated with classroom technology. As technology is used more and more to support learning, the list of trends to follows continues to grow. Topics covered include: Personal and blended learning The evolution of online testing Open education resources Digital resources in… Read More ›

What We Talk About When We Talk About Student Voice

UP for Learning podcast features Vermont students discussing the importance of personalized learning and partnering with adults in school redesign. The podcast explains the 2013 legislation Act 77 in Vermont which was passed to create “flexible pathways” toward graduation to promote student ownership and engagement. Students discuss the impressive projects and courses they can now… Read More ›

Sixth Annual Boston EdTalk

Boston EdTalks is a celebration of innovation in education that brings educators and leaders from across the city of Boston together during Teacher Appreciation Week to share their unique ideas and innovative classroom practices. The event will include five 10-minute presentations by local teachers. Three of the Nellie Mae Education Foundation Speaker’s Bureau members, Lissette Castillo, Sunny Pai,… Read More ›

3 Ways to Implement Blended Learning In The Classroom

This article, written by a classroom teacher, explores different ways to use technology to “blend” learning. The technology tools she shares can be used to create innovative learning experiences beyond the school day and open up time and space for deeper learning in the classroom. Topics include game-based learning and technology-based alternatives to homework. She provides tips to… Read More ›

Empowering Advocates for Educational Transformation

Close Up of Microphone

This was originally posted by Nellie Mae Education Foundation on Medium on April 4, 2017 . Introducing the 2017 Nellie Mae Education Foundation Speakers Bureau All too often, those most directly involved in and affected by our education system are ignored or silenced. At the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, we believe that these voices are… Read More ›

Unconscious Bias in the Classroom: Evidence and Opportunities

This report looks at the contribution of unconscious bias (UB) to the troubling achievement gap for women and minority students, especially in Computer Science and STEM courses. The report indicates that exposure to UB can change stereotyped groups’ behaviors to conform to the stereotype, even when it was initially untrue. It details existing research studies… Read More ›