Quality Performance Assessment Summer Institute

This institute, hosted by the Center for Collaborative Education, will bring together teachers, administrators, and district professionals to learn about Quality Performance Assessment (QPA). QPA promotes educational equity by helping educators to rethink assessment through a culturally responsive lens and create systems that drive deeper learning for all students. Performance assessments enable students to engage in… Read More ›

Amplifying Student Voice & Partnership

UP for Learning, the Vermont-based organization dedicated to helping students and adults work in partnership to transform their schools, is hosting the International Seminar on Amplifying Student Voice & Partnership. The event will bring together experts from practice, research, and policy to dig into the inquiries most relevant to forwarding youth voice in education transformation.… Read More ›

How Competency-Based Education is Changing Teaching and Learning in K-12

In this webinar, a panel of experts will share insights on why competency-based education (CBE) matters and what it looks like in practice. Participants will get an inside look at the challenges educators and administrators face when their school transitions to a CBE model and how it affects assessment.  Experts will talk shop about how edtech can… Read More ›

What Happens When Students Design Their Own Assessments?

This article discusses the work of the Roanoke County Public Schools to implement student-led assessment, alongside 10 other Virginia districts that make up a Networked Improvement Community. The article delves into the importance and impact of student-led assessment, origins of the project, strategies used to get teachers on board, and challenges encountered which included differentiation of student-led… Read More ›

Innovative Engagement Strategies for ELA and Humanities

This resource pulls together the work of John Hardison, an interactive facilitator of learning and blended learning specialist at East Hall High School (Studio 113 & EPiCC) in Gainesville, Georgia. Hardison, a veteran teacher of English Language Arts (ELA) and the humanities, focuses on creativity, interactive structures, and student choice to bring literature to life.  The first… Read More ›

Better Lesson

This website, developed by BetterLesson, is a personalized professional development platform dedicated to preparing and supporting teachers, through access to effective instructional practices and curriculum. Better Lesson has recruited over 130 master teachers from across the country to share both the “how” (instructional strategies, techniques, classroom management) and the “what” (full curriculum including comprehensive day-to-day lessons… Read More ›

Student-Centered Learning: Building Agency and Engagement

This video from the Edutopia Schools That Work series shows student-centered learning at work at Maloney High School in Meriden Public Schools in CT.  Teachers discuss their role as facilitators and detail how student-centered learning tactics are used in their classrooms. These include: Collaborative group work Student choice Inquiry-based activities Authentic tasks Powerful images and voices of… Read More ›

A Challenge to Our Community: Make Connections Across Disciplines

Dana Mitra Headshot

This post is a follow-up to “Breaking Down Silos with the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative.” The Importance of Agency Agency is a key driver of student-centered learning. It’s what makes change happen. While young people can generate ideas, believe in themselves, and know how to communicate and engage in technical work, agency is the will… Read More ›

How Games Can Be a Centerpiece for Student-Driven Learning

In this edWebinar, Matthew Farber, Ed.D., social studies teacher and game-based learning author, and Steve Isaacs, video game design and development teacher, will discuss how games can create a shared experience for students, much like a field trip. In their game-based learning classrooms, students study games and have opportunities to modify or change them, as well… Read More ›

Targeting Competency: Using Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) & Differentiated Rubrics to Teach

This article shares strategies and rubrics teachers can use for targeted Writing and English Language Arts instruction and assessment in an inclusive classroom. The article discusses the importance of shifting perspective and language to focus more on learning “differences” over “disabilities”. The author champions instructional strategies that target support based on students’ individual needs to decrease the marginalization of… Read More ›

Blended Learning and Expanded Learning Time at Morton Middle School

This video, features interviews with students, teachers, and administrators from Morton Middle School in Fall River, MA discussing blended learning and an extended learning day. The video illustrates in-depth how math and ELA teacher teams have implemented a blended learning model, using station rotation and flexible grouping, within a 90 minute class period. Students discuss how the blended learning class has impacted… Read More ›

Digital Literacy Resource Platform

This website, designed by Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, hosts tools that explore four main areas of digital life: privacy, safety, information quality, and creative expression. This evolving collection of tools can help teachers guide students in navigating and making sense of the digital world through various mediums. For instance, the platform… Read More ›